is the efreet that kangaax summons immortal??? he goes into gaseous form when i "kill" it and reapears fully healed some time later. now im really doomed i left the area when i killed kangaax's first form cause i was outa spells and now he is just waiting for me to come down the stairs so he can imprision my whole party (like he did 6 F*KIN TIMES!!!). i dont have time to do the simulacrum + daystar combo. tryed quivering palm too. and desintegrate. and cast breach then have my party pile on him didnt help either. and my summons dont come down the stairs!!!
BTW my pary is still LOW lvl:
lvl 11 sorceror
lvl 11 conjurer
lvl 10 undead hunter
lvl 11 monk
lvl 11 cleric (helm)
lvl 12 swashbuckler
im gona kill tha dragons and then come for Kangaxx
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Here is a rather drastic approach, but I once used it in a similar situation. Equip your protagonist with a Protection from Magic scroll from Ribalds. Then, kill all your other characters. I had to have five vs one, then four vs one, then three vs one....etc. You will be able to resurrect them at a later time.Then before you enter Kangaxx lair, activate the protection scroll on yourself( if your main character can't use the scroll, then have your second to last character activate it on you). With that scroll, you should be fine to take on Kangie. Hit him with +4 or better weapon( I recommend the Staff of rynn because it makes such a good whacking noise) for about 3 mins, take his Ring of gaxx and voila. Go to any temple and resurrect the rest of your party members. Yeah, I know it's suicidal, but it got me the Gaxx Ring.
(Fezek shrugs his shoulders)
".I guess soldiers have been killing other soldiers quite a bit; I believe it is called war."
Originally posted by Fezek:
<STRONG>Here is a rather drastic approach, but I once used it in a similar situation. Equip your protagonist with a Protection from Magic scroll from Ribalds. Then, kill all your other characters. I had to have five vs one, then four vs one, then three vs one....etc. You will be able to resurrect them at a later time.Then before you enter Kangaxx lair, activate the protection scroll on yourself( if your main character can't use the scroll, then have your second to last character activate it on you). With that scroll, you should be fine to take on Kangie. Hit him with +4 or better weapon( I recommend the Staff of rynn because it makes such a good whacking noise) for about 3 mins, take his Ring of gaxx and voila. Go to any temple and resurrect the rest of your party members. Yeah, I know it's suicidal, but it got me the Gaxx Ring.
(Fezek shrugs his shoulders)</STRONG>
You don't need to kill the rest of your party. Just have them stand in back and the lich only targets the character in front of him. Save some gold and just have your party stand around instead!!
Originally posted by tlibro:
<STRONG>You don't need to kill the rest of your party. Just have them stand in back and the lich only targets the character in front of him. Save some gold and just have your party stand around instead!!</STRONG>
I thought that at first, but as soon as I appeared through the entrance way, he started firing his Imprisonment spells. I lost three of my chaps before I could get a swipe at him. #Shoulder shrug#
".I guess soldiers have been killing other soldiers quite a bit; I believe it is called war."
i would do that but i got too greedy and now i and stuck in the planar thingy. ill have to get the deamon heart to i can leave and kick some undead butt.
BTW my sig was too old as u can see so i changed it
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There is another od for destroying Kangaxx. Since Beserkers in their beserk mode are immune to Imprisonment spells, you can have a beserker character recieve the brunt of Kangaxx's spell repetoire, while your spellcasters peel his magical defences off with their dispel magics. Be sure you have a lot of Prot. from magic (preferably 4) and a +4 weapon (preferably Carsomyr). If done right, you can kill Kangaxx without any casualties.
I would suggest that you make an Inquisitor NPC. They are invaluable when fighting wizards. Also, beserkers are the best fighter kit in the game so you shouldn't be without one to back your team up.
AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGG!!! the agony how didnt i think of this earlier!!!
i have that sword that can fight alone (and has magic immunity i think correct me if im wrong) i think the name is Las i used it against toglerias in the planar stuff and didnt get hit any spells he dumped evrithing on the sword! (wich hacked him to tiny pieces)
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The Efreet is not immortal. It will change to gasseous form instead of dying, heal up, then change back. It will do this one more time if you "kill" it again, but (I believe) no more than that.
An easy way to get rid of them is simply resting. You can rest right next to their gasseous forms without them turning back and becoming hostile.
[url=""]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
Originally posted by Xyx:
<STRONG>The Efreet is not immortal. It will change to gasseous form instead of dying, heal up, then change back. It will do this one more time if you "kill" it again, but (I believe) no more than that.
An easy way to get rid of them is simply resting. You can rest right next to their gasseous forms without them turning back and becoming hostile.</STRONG>
I'd never rest next to a gaseous form. Unless I created it, then I'd ( cue poor Fart joke) it.
".I guess soldiers have been killing other soldiers quite a bit; I believe it is called war."
i rested 5 times it didnt go away (rested in nearby inn) tryed to kill it it died 10 times and made me run outa spells when kangaax first form was destroyed.
@Valorhan: im not gona start the game over r u crazy ive done ALMOST evrything in chapter 2. i still have to kill the 2 dragons, cult of the eyeless, kangaxx, planar whatever and kill the slavers. im not gona start over just to kill kangaax. (and i like my party like it is )
BTW tell me what u think of my sig
You there! Yes, you! Buck Satan needs you! Join the [url=""]Blades of The Banshee[/url] today!
Getting two Rings of Gaxx is taking advantage of a programming oversight... Some would call that Cheese.
[url=""]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
Originally posted by Xyx:
<STRONG>The Efreet is not immortal. It will change to gasseous form instead of dying, heal up, then change back. It will do this one more time if you "kill" it again, but (I believe) no more than that.
An easy way to get rid of them is simply resting. You can rest right next to their gasseous forms without them turning back and becoming hostile.</STRONG>
A very useful way to get rid of efreeti. Used this method on the guarded compound and the planar sphere, cast cloudkill at the area with the gaseous form. Kills it right away, not sure if you get xp though but the gas never moves afterwards. Or you can use deathfog.