The man, who it appears is a professional thief was arrested outside some storage buildings owned by the American software company InterPlay.
Police believe that due to some bureaucratic meddling, shipments of an expected software title has had to be stored on these premises whilst the release dates for the game are confirmed.
The Thief, who Police have named only as Yoshimo, was taken to New Scotland Yard this morning where he will be interviewed later today.
A close source at the scene is quoted as saying "The UK loyal punters are gutted! In almost every other gaming country you'll find Throne Of Baal already up and running on gamers computers.
Why is it we have to wait week after week, for the same release"
An interesting point. The Police have only 16 hours before they will have to release their suspect or charge him.
Following his arrest, Yoshimo was heard to mutter 'I'll have a little rest, then I'll leave. They won't even see me going!"