My group has finishes the Planar Sphere, and spoken with the leader of the Knights. She asked us for help in getting back to her home plane, and I said I would try to help her.
I've spoken with Ribald at the Adventurer's Mart (as per the GB walkthrough), but I'm not getting any conversation options to discuss the Knights.
I've currently got a bunch of mods installed (pretty much everything I could lay my hands on, including multi-stronghold), does anyone know if this is a known bug in a mod, or if it is some other problem?
I'm wearing Boots of Escaping! I'm wearing Boots of Escaping!
Oh, I thought his name was Teos? Yes, I spoke with him, but I didn't ask him about the knights, and then he vanished. I'm assuming he'll come back (when the apprenti show up), I'll try to ask him then.
I'm wearing Boots of Escaping! I'm wearing Boots of Escaping!
If you do want to end the quest nicely and are not a wizard, you can talk to them and tell them that they should find there own way to get home. You don't get anything for it, but it is not nice just to leave them there .
In memorian: Fiona; Ravager; Lestat; Phreddie; and all of those from the 1500 incident. Lest we forget.
Well, the thing is that I did that too, but there's no one in the Radiant Heart you can talk anent the knights if you're not a wizard. So, I just told them they were SOL and sent them on their way.
The light at the end of the tunnel is the light of an approaching train