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Is the Camarilla really powerful?

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Is the Camarilla really powerful?

Post by ventruesnob »

This is just a thread about the PC game, I don't know anything about the board game...

We start the game in a place where our sire is killed and Lacroix is meaking a speech. He has gathered all the important people, and he is showing off a fraction of his power so it looks like Camarilla is the biggest "sect"
But as we play the game we see that none of the places are ruled by the Camarilla
.Santa Monica's baron is Jeanette, Downtown's baron is Nines, Hollywood's baron is Isaac ( all anarchs ) and China town is ruled by the Kue-Jin.
Yet, the prince has the biggest tower, wears the best clothes and the clan elders come to him in times of trouble.
I think this is a big conflict in the game. The prince mentions that Camarilla is weak in some places yet the primogen visit him. We also know Camarilla is the most powerful sect, but all the places are run by the anarchs...
Does anybody have an answer for this?What is the truth?
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Post by Ripe »

Since P'n'P game I played was based in Europe, I'm not sure about events that took place on the other side of the world, but from what I remember Los Angeles was Anarch Free State for decades (rulled by Brujah baron Jeremy McNeil). Just recently, with arival of Kue-Jin anarch lost hold of LA and Camarilla managed to get a hold of it once again.

But other than LA I belive the only town rulled by Anarchs are Seattle and Perth. Actualy I think that at the moment of Gehenna Perth is rulled by Caitiff (Thin-blood) Prince so... All the other major European and US cities are rulled by either Camarilla Princes or Sabbat Archbishops.

So to answer your question: yes is biggest sect and situation in LA is simply result of a fact that Camarilla only just recently regained control of the city.
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Post by pennypincher »

This could get a little long winded, so pull up a seat... I'll give you the short and sweet version and let everyone else add the details. Oh, and Spoliers:

A long time ago, there was no Masquerade or laws. Vampires were Vampires, and the local villages knew it, and feared the night when the dark lord would come for them. Nobody could stop them, they walked freely in public... This is where the story of Vampire lords in castles ruling over villages through fear comes from. However, it wasn't to be for long...
A time came when humans said "You know what? Thats quite enough of that" and formed a little religious sect known as "The Inquisition". The SOLE goal of this group was to find Witches, Warlocks, Vampires, Werewolves, Fair Folk, and any other group of suprernaturals... Real or imagined... and put them to the sword! They did what vampries never expected mortals to do... Gather in large numbers, arm themselves with fire and strike during the day. The results were... Shocking to the eldest and most powerful vampires. Mortal and imortal alike were burnt alive (undead?) quickly and efficently and suddenly vampires were on the back foot. They threw numberless childe at the Inquistion, letting them burn the fledgling vampires and belive they were achiving their ends, all the while pointing them towards each other in the hopes of killing a few of their own enemies. Suffice to say, things got out of hand.

The elders formed up and had a meeting. In this meeting they agreed on new laws. They would hide themselves from humans and act like humans in order to live amoung them in secret. This would throw the inquisition off track and reduce the chances of something like this happening again. Most of the eldest vampires agreed, some didn't... Those left the metting in disgust, swearing never to be reduced to the level where they had to act like a human. The eldest vampires saw a chance to rule and control their children, creating laws and rules that they could twist and manipulate, and so the game of the Jyhad began in ernest.
Attention turned to new ways to control the mortals. Rather then lording over them, they now had to rule them in secret. So, the tricks of Dominate, Presence, ghouling important people and blood bonding others became popular... However it quickly became apparent that other vampires were wise to these kinds of dealings, and so bribes, black mail, threats, money, ownership, land... These things started to become more and more popular. Before long, the Cammerilla, as the collection of Elder vampires had become to be known, had a ruler in most parts of the land, and that ruler controled the locals kings and princes, the guards, the businesses, the land, the money... A single vampire of the Cammerilla had the ability to start a holy war or end one with just a pen stroke, and so a new kind of power was born.

Years and years and years passed, and these vampires NEVER died. The world around them changed, and so they picked childe from each age to help them rule the new, modern worlds. In time, these childe were allowed to create more childe of their own to help them, and so on and so forth. Soon, vampires and ghouls were in charge of most, if not ever aspect of life. They ran mortal cities like farms, esuring that the mortals kept busy working and having familes, making money... All of which secretly existed to feed the hunger for power and blood the local Vampire Prince had. Of course, this started to lead to problems... Young vampires wanted power as well, but there was none left to have. Their acient masters controled everything and the young ones felt stifled and crushed under the weight of these old ones. Imagine knowing you will NEVER be promoted from pool cleaner because your boss is imortal...
Eventualy, the new world was discovered, and everyones eye went to America. The young vampires of the Cammerilla and Sabbat rushed to this new land desperatly, even while their elders advised caution and wisdom. Young Cammerilla members declared themselves Princes of these new towns and cities and lived powerful unlives watching their little village of "Chicago" or "New York" grow and prosper into the vast, sprawling, technological nightmares they are today. These Princes now ruled over these cities the way their acient elders did. They controled the police, the government, the judges, the army, the telephones and power and gas, the street gangs, the mafia... Everything. Anger a prince, and tomrrow you could wake up to find your Haven had been knocked down to make way for a new road, your basement filled with cement supports, your gas and power cut off, your phone dead, your family shot, your bank account closed, your credit card owing, no person in town will take you in or sell you goods... A single wrond word and they could end your entier life on a whim without even really excersising a touch of their power... But there was a problem.

The Masquerade was becoming harder and harder to uphold. Cameras, heat censores, medical advancment... All these things were making vampires less and less comfortable. The chances of being spotted were greater and greater... And it was this advantage the Sabbat and Anarachs used. Being made of Younger vampires, their powers were much much less then the Cammerilla Elders... But unlike the elders they knew of these new technology. They streched the infulence of the elders by exposing them to the public, forcing them to use all their power to keep the knowladge from getting out, and then right when they were at their limit, they would strike with strange new weapons... Machine Guns, Flame Throwers, RPG's... Things an Elder could only image to be magical.

So yes, the Cammerilla is powerful. VERY powerful. A single, well establish Cammerilla Vampire is more powerful then an entier Pack of Sabbat vampiers, because he/she is smarter and better connected. Using Police and Newspapers, he can find out where Sabbat vampires are striking from and demolish their hidding places during the day, exposing them to the sun. But they are also vunerable, and the Anarachs and Sabbat know it...
I was Diablorised once. I got better.
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