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Ultima Online?

This forum is to be used for discussion about any RPG, RPG hybrid, or MMORPG that doesn't have its own forum.
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The Chosen One
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Ultima Online?

Post by The Chosen One »

Hi folks, I have a question: how can you join the game Ultima Online? is it nessesery to have the game installed? Tell me about this game and how does it works.
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Post by Denethorn » and The Visitors Centr will be the first place to get the details.

Unlike most MMORPGs these days, I don't think you can download the client and get a free CD Key, you have to buy a hard copy.
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The Chosen One
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Post by The Chosen One »

Hmmm....any ideas where I can get one then?
PS: thanks for great links :D
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Post by fable » has Ultima Online starting at $10--try here.
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