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All Around

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All Around

Post by Genetic »

What race, stats, etc. woul be best for creating an all-around character that uses a bit of everything.(melee, marksman, magic)
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Post by Magrus »

Hmm, I'd go with a Dunmer, that will help you with some magic and stealth abilities right from the start with racial adjustments.

Then pick the Combat, or was it Melee?

I'd choose both Strength and Endurance for your two attributes. That will give you a boost of health from the start, not to mention allow you to carry more and more stamina.


[INDENT]Long Blade
Heavy Armor



I think that should cover all of the different attributes in your skills...not sure whether Block is with speed or not though. :confused:

That would let you sneak, take and deal good damage and hold your own in combat, repair and enchant your equipment, and cast some spells as well. I've had fun with a build like that.
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Post by ch85us2001 »

stealth- lets you steal for money
marksman- if you want to be balanced youve gotta have it
short blade- you get 1 for free at the begining
unarmored- as you can tell I'm cheap
destruction- backup if your short blade breaks

restoration- lets you heal yourself
security- handy to have
long blade- for later on when you have more money
light armor- good blend of protection and weight
mercantile- lets you buy things cheaper

wood elf

the tower

as you can tell im cheap
these are just my preferences
i'd go buy a good spell or two

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Post by Genetic »

Any more suggestions? I would like to make a character much like a hunter/traveller/wanderer that picked up a quite a few handy skills that make him a very self-sufficient character.

I was thinking about an Argonian, because they fit that description pretty well.
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

Well, I had an Argonian character like that once, but I think that race doesn't really matter for anything more than asthetics. All you really need to do for a good all round character is to choose a race you like, make a custom class, and get major skills that focus on skills not fortified by race abilities.

Besides, wouldn't you kinda be living a lie playing a race that isn't your first choice? ;)
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Post by Genetic »

True, some races would be better choices stat-wise. However, if I had played anything but an Argonian, I would have always lacked that special touch. Besides, they look so cool, and in every armor. The human-looking characters just lack the variety of the beast races and don't look stupendously awesome in any armor.

That's just my opinion, though. :)
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

If you're on pc, you can download a bunch of crap that makes Argonians even cooler (better faces, actual horns, claws, Firstguard Armor [armor suited especially for argonians, with a special helmet and little footie things] )

.... But yes, Argonians do kinda own all the other races
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Post by Genetic »

Too bad, I'm on the Box. But, Argonians are still cool, nevertheless.
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