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Final Fantasy XI in Europe: Why not in PS2?

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Final Fantasy XI in Europe: Why not in PS2?

Post by Minerva »

Well, the title says it all, really.

In UK, FFXI is only available for PC, and not for PS2, unlike Japan and US. It seems the case in other European countries.

Does anyone know why?
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Minerva (Semi-retired SYMer)
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Post by Aegis »

Well, one big reason is that it didn't quite meet expectations in sales for the PS2 units. This is partially because it had been released for PC so many months earlier, garner much of it's following comunity there, as opposed to on the console.

In addition, to properly run it on the PS2, it requires a wave of extra purchases. Simply put, it's not economically feasible to continue support of it.

Besides, you're not missing much.
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