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Naga Temple/Loose brick

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Naga Temple/Loose brick

Post by alienbelien »

I've freed Valdane in the Naga Temple but I haven't found the Queen or the relic yet and I seem to be stuck now.
There is a door that can only be opened with a special item (a green gem?), which I don't have. Now I've spotted a loose brick in the vicinity of the room where I found the golden key, but I can't seem to press it. Does this brick do anything, like opening a passage to the special item?
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Post by darkpark »

there is a loose brick that opens some door to a treasure room, but that's it. since you've free valdane go back to an earlier part of the temple (do you remember the corridor that had a pool of water by it?) one of the doorways should now be open which will lead you to a maze filled with serpent heads on the walls that spit gas. once you make it through, you should eventually find a gas mask. once you have that mask, go back to that room that had that giant metal platform that can be raised or lowered. when you raise it there's some white gas underneath. in there you'll find the serpent's sigil needed to get to the queen's room.
-darkpark Brap on!
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Post by alienbelien »

Thanx fot the tip! I haven't found that platform yet, but I do have the mask now.
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nathan th great
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Post by nathan th great »

I found the prince and I have the key but I cann't open the door the prince is to close to the door so i can not activate the door.

suck this game... i got stuck on a door for awhile waiting for a moster to hit me so I could break loose... suck this game.
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