Darn, I was hoping for an online drinking session.
Later, I mix games with drinking. Like battleship. Everytime you hit, you do a shot. Every time you get hit, you do 2. Makes for an interesting game. Hmm, maybe we could try that with mine later?
I always am in search of reserves, this is true. Now, I have none and I feel so empty. Or maybe that's the bottle again.
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
kol has become one of my other things to do besides gb.
I decend from grace in arms of undertow...
[QUOTE=Magrus]I think you and I would end up in the hospital trying to drink together... Oh its a shame you live so far away man. We could have so much fun! Well... maybe. We might end up in jail after we get out of the hospital.[/QUOTE]
But then you wouldn't have all these permanent threads with conversations in them! This is a good thing I say.
Ahh. What fun.
Yes, fun.
I'll be getting a bottle of rum later, blending 2 pounds of marischino cherries into it and drinking that later. Soon I hope...
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
You just like increasing your post count which a chat channel wouldn't do .
Plus it must be nice to muse over ones drunking postings the morning after a particularly heavy session (of both spamming and drinking )
First one no, second yes. Just ask giles.
Oh, I'm good TM, yourself?
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
But posting and farming nnnnooooooo, what has this world come to, no post farming???@!#@
I decend from grace in arms of undertow...
[QUOTE=Magrus]I think you and I would end up in the hospital trying to drink together... Oh its a shame you live so far away man. We could have so much fun! Well... maybe. We might end up in jail after we get out of the hospital.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Tower_Master]Zing! In the words of Xan, "Postfarming is bad, m'kay?"!
I'm just dandy, Mag [/QUOTE]
Bah for postfarming. I spam, there's a difference.
Dandy good, or dandy like "I'm a dandy" dandy?
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"