Has anyone chosen the "Fool of Fortune" heraldry? If so, how does "luck" affect your character? Or maybe I should ask, does luck affect your character at all, or is it bugged like so many other parts of the game?
I ask because I am considering playing DL again, and was considering choosing the "luck" heraldry at the character creation menu.
If anyone has any knowledge about this, I'd love to hear about it
Good point.. lol.. sad part is I knew that Heraldries are bugged until 1.2 (or so I heard). Im on low sleep here.. hehe
My question now is: What is luck supposed to do for your character? Perhaps better loot from chests and monsters?
Yes. It increases the drop rate from monsters, like gold and potions. And it slightly increases a rare item drop rate. Of course this is from personal experience. ^_^
Shine your light upon me O Lord, Fill me with the power to vanqish these Impure Souls. Amen!