Nintendo: Innovation is dying
While I don't agree with everything in this article, especially:
I do agree with:<snip>
A lot of the games out there are just too long. Of course, there are games, such as 'Halo' or 'Grand Theft Auto,' that are big and expansive. But if you're not interested in spending that time with them, you're not going to play."<snip>
Okay - remove the kicking off hype of Nitendos Revolution and focus on the "They're just shiny computer graphics.".Most of what you're seeing are not even the first projections of games," he said. "They're just shiny computer graphics. They're things anyone using a computer can do. ... It's how we're going to use the technology that separates us. What we want to do is different – and we're happy with the road we're taking. When you have a Revolution, you're not going to have the same experience as you would with the other home consoles."
Now anybody who "knows" me here, knows that this is one of my main focus points when ranting about how poor the quality of games have gotten over the last couple of years.
Now hopefull - although I never touch a console - some (large) developers will put innovation back into the industry, and hopefully that this could spread to other parts ... come on CRPGs, Adventuregames, Strategygames, be innovative and epic again,please...pretty please
Think for a second if Revolution main flagship was something innovative and fresh which made a lot of money.... now that could be an incentive for other developers to break the mold. I'm dreaming - I know...
Now I wouldn't hold my breath because from my perspective the industry is darker by the day and because I think this article is simply disguesed hypening of the console (once again), but the core of the article I think hits home, if peeling away the layers.
Games are becoming shiny pieces of graphics and little else. The fun factor is now focusing on fast action and not thoughtprocess, dept and challenges (and no - getting 5 monsters instead of 2 is not a challenge, neither is having the monsters hitting you for double damage).