"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
I ate steak all last week...I bought two BIG steaks, like 19 oz each for my brother and I. He got really wasted and we never ate them though, so he told me to bring them home and eat them. I ended up with steak enough for 4 meals! I was thrilled!
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
Steak is my second favorite thing to eat. Love the stuff, can't get enough.
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
Carne De Sada, is a mexican plate with beef potatoes and a spice I can't remember the name of. Usually served with traditonal rice (real traditional rice, not some casa` ole bs) or whole beans. If you want the recipie, I can post it for you. It also has Jalapeno's in it.
I decend from grace in arms of undertow...
[QUOTE=Magrus]I think you and I would end up in the hospital trying to drink together... Oh its a shame you live so far away man. We could have so much fun! Well... maybe. We might end up in jail after we get out of the hospital.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=RenigadeRhino]oo and your favorite??? i cant think of anything better than steak [/QUOTE]
Bacon, rr, bacon
I decend from grace in arms of undertow...
[QUOTE=Magrus]I think you and I would end up in the hospital trying to drink together... Oh its a shame you live so far away man. We could have so much fun! Well... maybe. We might end up in jail after we get out of the hospital.[/QUOTE]
Oh, no thanks. Can't take real mexican food. I love black pepper, I can eat the stuff actually, but beans and vegetable type peppers..no way.
RenigadeRhino wrote:oo and your favorite??? i cant think of anything better than steak
Erm, ever watched Half-Baked?
Haha I don't have to guess what your favorite thing to eat is then!
I could show you.
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
I didn't mention cat noises along with the growling and the biting before did I?
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
I've only seen about the first half of half baked... I think when they get whats his name out of jail is where I stopped watching it, I don't remember though...
I decend from grace in arms of undertow...
[QUOTE=Magrus]I think you and I would end up in the hospital trying to drink together... Oh its a shame you live so far away man. We could have so much fun! Well... maybe. We might end up in jail after we get out of the hospital.[/QUOTE]