Just started questions. (Spoilers)
- jopperm2
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Just started questions. (Spoilers)
I'm a little late on this game, but I got a good used price so I picked it up. I've been kinda rushing through it as I don't have much time to play, so I have some questions.
1> Does the guy in the wagon at the beginning trade? I didn't stick around long enough to find out, but I have a lot of stuff to offload.
2> Where is this staff I need to find so that the elves in the tower can raise people and will they raise my dead character?
3> It seems like there are some really hard monsters in certain areas of the first dungeon(I'm thinking about that 7HD wraith that killed my cleric last night and nearly killed everyone else). Are there any tricks to this or what?
4> the sound cuts out on cinematics, do I need the newest DirectX or is it something else?
1> Does the guy in the wagon at the beginning trade? I didn't stick around long enough to find out, but I have a lot of stuff to offload.
2> Where is this staff I need to find so that the elves in the tower can raise people and will they raise my dead character?
3> It seems like there are some really hard monsters in certain areas of the first dungeon(I'm thinking about that 7HD wraith that killed my cleric last night and nearly killed everyone else). Are there any tricks to this or what?
4> the sound cuts out on cinematics, do I need the newest DirectX or is it something else?
"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
Thomas Jefferson
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
Thomas Jefferson
- Luis Antonio
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Jop, good to see you here
Ok... The extra spoilers are blackened.
The guy at the wagon really trades. Go there every once in a while and unpack. Do that during the day, the night always brings danger... Also, if you're wounded there, rest.
The staff is somewhere with an orc leader. His name is zug. But I tell you: dont search him at low levels unless you're pretty sure about your tactics. If you have a cleric, roam around the first floor till you can "hold person".
The main thing is: save save save. Once you've found some hard critter, reload, and mark your map. Then get back later. At the 3rd level you can face almost any critter in the dungeon without being slain right away. Keep this in mind - so open the path clearing the hordes of orcs and undead and later get back to slay the big ones. Or try it till you do it. Of course, you may get frustrated.
Have you installed the path? It might help you to overcome these sound problems, as well as glitches in the game. The path is in the stickie on the main PoR ROMD forum. Also, if the game bores you because of the speed, there's a speed mod that may help you to have fun with the game in the Gamebanshee PoR ROMD page.
Ok... The extra spoilers are blackened.
The guy at the wagon really trades. Go there every once in a while and unpack. Do that during the day, the night always brings danger... Also, if you're wounded there, rest.
The staff is somewhere with an orc leader. His name is zug. But I tell you: dont search him at low levels unless you're pretty sure about your tactics. If you have a cleric, roam around the first floor till you can "hold person".
The main thing is: save save save. Once you've found some hard critter, reload, and mark your map. Then get back later. At the 3rd level you can face almost any critter in the dungeon without being slain right away. Keep this in mind - so open the path clearing the hordes of orcs and undead and later get back to slay the big ones. Or try it till you do it. Of course, you may get frustrated.
Have you installed the path? It might help you to overcome these sound problems, as well as glitches in the game. The path is in the stickie on the main PoR ROMD forum. Also, if the game bores you because of the speed, there's a speed mod that may help you to have fun with the game in the Gamebanshee PoR ROMD page.
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
- jopperm2
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Thanks a bunch Luis! It's a great game! I found Zug and finally gave up on him after several defeats.
I also found a chamber with two really hard undead, they are sorta like ghasts but stronger. I'm going to mark those and keep exporing. This dungeon is hardcore.
Here's a question: For my Paladin, is a small shield +2 and a battle axe +1 a better choice than the dwarven hammer of death that is two-handed and and does 1d10+2, +2 to hit(which increases to +5/+5 when up against undead)?
Here's a question: For my Paladin, is a small shield +2 and a battle axe +1 a better choice than the dwarven hammer of death that is two-handed and and does 1d10+2, +2 to hit(which increases to +5/+5 when up against undead)?
"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
Thomas Jefferson
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
Thomas Jefferson
- Luis Antonio
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Jop, if you think about the insane number of undeads you'll find in the game, and that not all the enemies are undead, keep both weapons
You can exchange them at the beggining of every round - of course, the sistem is a bit clumsy but hey, nothing is perfect. I have a fighter using only two handed weapons - it happens that one of the weapons - a spear, a longsword and a hammer - is the same you have there the hammer against undead.
But look if that dont make your character be delayed in combat because of incumbrance. Otherwise keep them with one weapon to destroy undead and other to normal foes.
But look if that dont make your character be delayed in combat because of incumbrance. Otherwise keep them with one weapon to destroy undead and other to normal foes.
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
- jopperm2
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I've kept both for now, My Pally is always encumbered because of armor anyways so I just pile it on.
I killed the Scarred mage last night but I think I may have killed off two party members in the process. Is there a way to raise them?
I killed the Scarred mage last night but I think I may have killed off two party members in the process. Is there a way to raise them?
"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
Thomas Jefferson
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
Thomas Jefferson
- Luis Antonio
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Only after defeating Zug, unfortunately. With him you'll find the key to his room as I recall - and then the staff you need to raise dead. So, again, mark the room, go ahead, and smile, cause till you have that staff Deathbane things are really risky in this game. After you've dealt with the 1st level of the dungeon things get fair again - dont worry 
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
- jopperm2
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I killed Zug!
I'm getting a lot better at this now, the only problem is that I get lost a lot. Not really lost, but I'll get clear out in some littel side hallway and I don't now where to go.
Oh well.
Hey, do you know what that little blue luminous ball with iron bands around it is for?
Oh well.
Hey, do you know what that little blue luminous ball with iron bands around it is for?
"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
Thomas Jefferson
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
Thomas Jefferson
Save the little blue ball to later, you'll need it! If you don't have a Cleric, or your Palladin can't raise the dead (I never played that character) you can sometimes use a "safe room". That's what I call the rooms where you can refresh your party. If you can refresh soon enough your downed character comes back to life, so to speak. A jar of healing will do the same if it's used soon enough.
It's a fun game, for sure!!
It's a fun game, for sure!!
- rmemmett84
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The "safe rooms" and healing only work when the dead player is less than -10 hps in the hole. Otherwise a cleric or a wand of resurrection are invaluable, although the charges on these are limited so use them wisely.
Success takes commitment. In a bacon and eggs breakfast the chicken is involved but the pig is committed...be the pig!!!
Heavy Spoiler Warning
The blue balls contain a spirit which you can release later on once you complete the drow dungeon, they allow you to use spinning pillars like the one you see at the start of the game to travel instantly around myth drannor. You need to release 3 or so of then.
End spoiler
The party i finished the game with the first time was
Human - Fighter, took barbarian levels after 16.
Half-orc - Barbarian, multiclassed to mage at level 2, took mage levels all the way to 17 then took barbarian levels again at 18,
Hafling - Rogue, mutliclassed to cleric at level 2, took cleric to 17, rogue at 18.
Human - Fighter, multiclassed to cleric at level 2, took cleric all the way to 17 and fighter at 18.
Spoilers again.
I took with me, Jarial and Emmeric through the game, jarial took rogue levels past 16 and Emmeric took rogue levels, i used him as my archer, lack of one forced me to use him and since my fighter was the better one at melle i chose Emmeric.
Before the end in the prison i droped my halfling for Athen (sp?) and i took him because i needed another melle fighter badly, he took barbarian levels like my fighter.
Class wise the most powerful for me where archers, even though they miss out on rapid shot, a ranger with Prince Antoine's Stormbow amd some fighter or rogue levels will deal almost as much damage as melle fighter and suffer half as much damage at worst.
Paladin/Sorcerers are also top because of the heavy armor with 0% arcane failiure and the fact that you can max both levels giving you amazing spell casting abilities and the fighting power of a paladin, plus CHA bonus to saving throws, smite evil etc.
Paladin/Clerics kill off any undead using turn undead in one round, they are GROSELY overpowered at high levels. Thease two are pretty much the only classes that can solo the game without too much trouble.
End Spoilers
If you want more info feel free to PM me or ask, its been a few years since ive played POR but i loved the game then and i remeber a thing or two.
The blue balls contain a spirit which you can release later on once you complete the drow dungeon, they allow you to use spinning pillars like the one you see at the start of the game to travel instantly around myth drannor. You need to release 3 or so of then.
End spoiler
The party i finished the game with the first time was
Human - Fighter, took barbarian levels after 16.
Half-orc - Barbarian, multiclassed to mage at level 2, took mage levels all the way to 17 then took barbarian levels again at 18,
Hafling - Rogue, mutliclassed to cleric at level 2, took cleric to 17, rogue at 18.
Human - Fighter, multiclassed to cleric at level 2, took cleric all the way to 17 and fighter at 18.
Spoilers again.
I took with me, Jarial and Emmeric through the game, jarial took rogue levels past 16 and Emmeric took rogue levels, i used him as my archer, lack of one forced me to use him and since my fighter was the better one at melle i chose Emmeric.
Before the end in the prison i droped my halfling for Athen (sp?) and i took him because i needed another melle fighter badly, he took barbarian levels like my fighter.
Class wise the most powerful for me where archers, even though they miss out on rapid shot, a ranger with Prince Antoine's Stormbow amd some fighter or rogue levels will deal almost as much damage as melle fighter and suffer half as much damage at worst.
Paladin/Sorcerers are also top because of the heavy armor with 0% arcane failiure and the fact that you can max both levels giving you amazing spell casting abilities and the fighting power of a paladin, plus CHA bonus to saving throws, smite evil etc.
Paladin/Clerics kill off any undead using turn undead in one round, they are GROSELY overpowered at high levels. Thease two are pretty much the only classes that can solo the game without too much trouble.
End Spoilers
If you want more info feel free to PM me or ask, its been a few years since ive played POR but i loved the game then and i remeber a thing or two.
- jopperm2
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It seems to be fairly slow moving, I'm currently exploring Bedlam(sp?) prison and just killed the spectre with the keys.
I can't wait until I can actually go some other places.
I need to find that stinky trader so I can unload a bunch of junk. Wher is he when he disappears? I know he told the elves he was going to the lower levels I just haven't found him yet.
I can't wait until I can actually go some other places.
I need to find that stinky trader so I can unload a bunch of junk. Wher is he when he disappears? I know he told the elves he was going to the lower levels I just haven't found him yet.
"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
Thomas Jefferson
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
Thomas Jefferson
- Luis Antonio
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Tip for the area: Silence works wonders against some of them, and web is usefull to disrupt the strongest fighters for some turns. Just take care, cause you'll need to get till them and you may be stuck on the net (no more BG Cheesy Web). Also, dont buff much here, use your priest spells to hold the enemy.
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
I never used buff spells besides haste, the disable spells are a much much much much more useful then the buffs, hold person works well against most orogs except obviously their spell casters, and guardsmen/veterans. Web works well for that, but you need to be careful when using it or you can hurt yourself more then you help yourself.
Also dont be afraid to use wands/potions/items that can cast spells, you find more then enough, sometimes a wand of chain lightning can win a battle you where trying to hack and slash for a few hours in 2 minutes. Just dont waste them, theres a fine line betwen putting something to good use and wasting it.
Also dont be afraid to use wands/potions/items that can cast spells, you find more then enough, sometimes a wand of chain lightning can win a battle you where trying to hack and slash for a few hours in 2 minutes. Just dont waste them, theres a fine line betwen putting something to good use and wasting it.
- Philos
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I liked this game too
It definitely has problems, mine would occasionally lock up and crash for no apparent reason. I downloaded the patches (last year sometime) but did not install them. I had already started and was leary of adding them and possibly messing up something. Like Wolfheart I was able to finish the game without them. I SAVED frequently, as I usually had at least one crash per session. So patience is indeed the order of the day.
It is interesting to read about all the various strategies. The game does respond well to this and success can be had in any of many approaches. I generally loathe games where there are only one or two ways/paths to win.
I do like to use certain buffs, mainly the long lasting ones like cat's grace and bull strength. But that's the great thing each person can use their own style, whatever you prefer.
It definitely has problems, mine would occasionally lock up and crash for no apparent reason. I downloaded the patches (last year sometime) but did not install them. I had already started and was leary of adding them and possibly messing up something. Like Wolfheart I was able to finish the game without them. I SAVED frequently, as I usually had at least one crash per session. So patience is indeed the order of the day.
It is interesting to read about all the various strategies. The game does respond well to this and success can be had in any of many approaches. I generally loathe games where there are only one or two ways/paths to win.
I do like to use certain buffs, mainly the long lasting ones like cat's grace and bull strength. But that's the great thing each person can use their own style, whatever you prefer.