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The Heathen Citadel

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Are there any real godlings on GBanshee at all?

No, cause no one can just smell chicken tandoori and keep alive.
No, cause no one can just smell chicken tandoori and keep alive.
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Post by Magrus »

Yes, you are correct.

It's 8. If I pass out drunk now, I'll be up by midnight and have 11 hours until the baby gets here. Not cool. need to stay up at least 4 more hours and then pass out. Wonderful since sadistic mode has kicked on in my head in full blast. Good news is, worst case scenario, I still have a half bottle, enough to get drunk tomorrow. Saturday, I'll be with friends in the evening and can get booze from my friends' mother's liqour store and then party and get wasted there and deal with things on sunday.

I don't think I've ever had someone screw with my head like this, not even when that guy that wanted my Pattie and hated me badly enough to drag her out of her car and rape her because I had her and he didn't. :mad: That was bad enough, but the girl forgetting me, and someone else having the nerve to claim she was dead before that so I'd put her out of my mind. Oooh...Ultra-violence doesn't begin to describe my mindset at the moment...
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by Demortis »

or how about you break everybone in his body?
Zombies are not real! The Government is still doin Human trails!

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Post by Magrus »

Mmm, one a day, that way, once you've cycled through them all, the first few have healed and you can start over? :p
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by Demortis »

make it two, theres last time i checked 206 bones in the human body, and if you go two aday, he wont beable to do much :D
Zombies are not real! The Government is still doin Human trails!

Have you ever wondered why, in a dream you can touch a falling sky? Or fly to the heavens that watch over you. - Godsmack
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Post by Magrus »

So true, so true. So, we pick one bone from the lower left side, and one from the upper right side, and slowly work over the body. ;)
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by Demortis »

or maybe i should get a big black guy named bubba to talk to him bout not droppin the soap :D ;)
Zombies are not real! The Government is still doin Human trails!

Have you ever wondered why, in a dream you can touch a falling sky? Or fly to the heavens that watch over you. - Godsmack
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Post by Magrus »

*snicker's* If that would be the case, my father has 5 horses. :o
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by Demortis »

to bad that bull my grandfather was takin care of died awhile ago. before i was born lol. im sure we can come up with somethin
Zombies are not real! The Government is still doin Human trails!

Have you ever wondered why, in a dream you can touch a falling sky? Or fly to the heavens that watch over you. - Godsmack
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Post by Magrus »

I'm still really drunk. I'm gonna go walk through the rain and get some food from the store nearby. Should clear my head a bit.
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by Tower_Master »

[QUOTE=Magrus]I'm still really drunk. I'm gonna go walk through the rain and get some food from the store nearby. Should clear my head a bit.[/QUOTE]

...Mag's not back after a couple of hours...Any bets on whether he's passed out on a road somewhere? :eek:
I sincerely wish we could re-consider this plan from a perspective that involved pants.
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Post by RenigadeRhino »

hmm 5 bucks says he met a chick and braught her home.
hmm make that 50 bucks. :D
One sadly begins to realise that potatoes do not hold the key to life, as previously thought :(
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Post by Magrus »

[QUOTE=RenigadeRhino]hmm 5 bucks says he met a chick and braught her home.
hmm make that 50 bucks. :D [/QUOTE]

Gimme 50 bucks? :(
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by RenigadeRhino »

One sadly begins to realise that potatoes do not hold the key to life, as previously thought :(
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Post by RenigadeRhino »


im guessing i put my foot in soemthing again :(
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Post by Magrus »

Yeah, I did.

Heh, I'm too tired/drunk to take offense right now.
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by RenigadeRhino »

as i said, i think ive put my foot in something so ima just shut up now :(
One sadly begins to realise that potatoes do not hold the key to life, as previously thought :(
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Post by Erenor »

Feeling any better, Mag?
Any man who asks for greater authority does not deserve to have it.
--Tercero Xavier Harkonnen, to the Salusan Militia

The Council of Four Perverts: (1) Magrus (2) Darth Zenemij (3) Erenor (4) Luis Antonio
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Post by Magrus »

It's quite alright, just trying to amuse me and all. :)

No, not at all. At least I know whats going on now though. My ex is trying to cheer me up, but that's going to lead to her being hurt if I allow that to go on.
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by Erenor »

You mean you know what's going on now because you've sobered up or because you found out more about what happened overseas?
Any man who asks for greater authority does not deserve to have it.
--Tercero Xavier Harkonnen, to the Salusan Militia

The Council of Four Perverts: (1) Magrus (2) Darth Zenemij (3) Erenor (4) Luis Antonio
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Post by Magrus »

The second one. I'm lost on how to handle the situation, and given she's in Europe for the summer, and her "boyfriend" has effectively shut me out of the picture with this turn of events finally well, I figure it's time I just gave up on that and stuck with it. I mean, I already assumed she was gone for ever and mourned that this weekend anyways.
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"