This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
I dont know if this is a bug or i'm just not doing what i'm supposed to.....
(Possible Spoiler)
But you know when you free this woman from Tel Fyr. She gives you an amulet to give to her father but says you have to go to Ald'ruhn first. To a Redoran guy in the Sarethi Manor called Athyn Sarethi (or something like that) to find out where her father is. But the guy has no interactive heading related to this mission. Anyone got any ideas?
Submit to Authority - Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
Put a SPOILER on things like this, okay? Sorry for grumping , but I've already gotten one complaint about this thread, this morning.
Change implemented.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
This is a House Redoran quest.
Athyn Sarethi in his manor in Ald'ruhn's Manor District will ask you to kill a former Redoran Noble, Arethan Mandas, who has gone mad. Sarethi mentions that, Llerar (Arethan's father), can be found in the Grand Council Chambers in Ebonheart. There are 2 ways to complete this quest, the first (obviously) is killing Arethan.He can be found in a cave called "Milk". Milk is somewhat west of Ald'ruhn. The second way is to go to Arethan's father Llerar.He'll tell you his son went mad after Arethan's daughter Delyna was kidnapped by Divayth Fyr. She can be found in the tower of Tel Fyr on one of the islands southwest of Sadrith Mora. Delyna can be found downstairs behind a locked and trapped round golden door, watch out for Fyr's daughters. Show Delyna the way outside, there she'll speak with you and give you an amulet to show to Arethan. Go to Milk and show Arethan the amulet and he will stop acting insane.
Report back to Sarethi in Ald'ruhn for questcompletion and report to the grandfather in Ebonheart for an Ebony Closed Helm.
Do you need a silencer if you're gonna shoot a mime?