Malk's Stop Sign Conversation (sp)
I'm aLmoSt craZY noW.
I hAVe ran all the LA arOUnd, tRYIng to find that "Talka-tive StoP SigN". But the sings do nOT WAnt to tALk to me...
They jUSt keep quiet... WatcHINg...
So, whERe can I fIND THis very sign?
Malk's Stop Sign Conversation
- Lady_Lithium
- Posts: 36
- Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:56 pm
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[QUOTE=Lady_Lithium]I think it's the stop sign near Strauss'. Or you can just run up to every stop sign in the downtown area and wait until one speaks with you.
By the way, the leprecaun behind you is whispering, watch out.[/QUOTE]
My thANks to yOu arE givEN, LithIUM THe laDY!
The sign TAlkeS, buT WHat a mean siGN THis one iS! HE CarriES The marks oF My sledgehAMMer noW!
BuT evENTually I for-Gave him fOR His aTTitude. SmaRTEr then tHE Sign aM I!
By the way, the leprecaun behind you is whispering, watch out.[/QUOTE]
My thANks to yOu arE givEN, LithIUM THe laDY!
The sign TAlkeS, buT WHat a mean siGN THis one iS! HE CarriES The marks oF My sledgehAMMer noW!
BuT evENTually I for-Gave him fOR His aTTitude. SmaRTEr then tHE Sign aM I!
- Lady_Lithium
- Posts: 36
- Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:56 pm
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[QUOTE=kams]My thANks to yOu arE givEN, LithIUM THe laDY!
The sign TAlkeS, buT WHat a mean siGN THis one iS! HE CarriES The marks oF My sledgehAMMer noW!
BuT evENTually I for-Gave him fOR His aTTitude. SmaRTEr then tHE Sign aM I![/QUOTE]
Hee hee. Yes, I introduced that silly little sign to my Spaz shortly after our meeting.
The police certainly weren't too thrilled.
Has the newsman told you the joke about the tuna and the chef?
The sign TAlkeS, buT WHat a mean siGN THis one iS! HE CarriES The marks oF My sledgehAMMer noW!
BuT evENTually I for-Gave him fOR His aTTitude. SmaRTEr then tHE Sign aM I![/QUOTE]
Hee hee. Yes, I introduced that silly little sign to my Spaz shortly after our meeting.
The police certainly weren't too thrilled.
Has the newsman told you the joke about the tuna and the chef?
minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum
Yes. YEs. YeS. YES. Yes.
He cracKED THat joke wHEn I caME Home last night.
ANd the conVERsation wiTH CAine was hiLArious 2! Did someONE say "thE DArk faTHer"? Of course, NOT - he IS Just a taXI DRiver current-lee.
THat's a pity thAT The one who pLAYs me does nOT HAve much TIME now - he has to gradu-ATE froMMMM institute.
PS. Oh, sorrY For the off-top, Big Bad Moderator!
He cracKED THat joke wHEn I caME Home last night.
ANd the conVERsation wiTH CAine was hiLArious 2! Did someONE say "thE DArk faTHer"? Of course, NOT - he IS Just a taXI DRiver current-lee.
THat's a pity thAT The one who pLAYs me does nOT HAve much TIME now - he has to gradu-ATE froMMMM institute.
PS. Oh, sorrY For the off-top, Big Bad Moderator!