I just finished Naga Temple and obtained the gas mask. My question is: should I keep the gas mask for later in the game or sell it and use the money for some new spells. Is there any upcoming parts of the game where the gas mask is essential? Thanks for the help D.
definately keep the mask. you'll encounter the chunnelers, if you haven't already, that spit that swarm of bugs at you. the gas mask will protect you from the swarms. also, you'll probably encounter some witches in the forbidden lands that will either cast the swarm of bugs or poisonous gas at you. so it helps to have the gas mask with you.
Well i just finnished the game,(Thanks for all the help i got here!) and yeh i would say you do not want to get rid of it. infact i stopped taking it off after a while because the penalties form it where not a hinderence at all and there are so many things that you can avoid by having it on.
Yep -- I agree with all of the other posts above. DEFINITELY keep the mask. As Hitrijs mentions, it's very helpful in the Shadow Ruins (don't know what I'd do without it!), and in other parts of the game, as well.