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favorite star wars character (possible spoiler)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II.
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Darth Zenemij
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Post by Darth Zenemij »

[QUOTE=saagard]This is a forum, speak your mind.[/QUOTE]

Acctually, Gamebanshee has a forum called Speak Your Mind. ;)
I decend from grace in arms of undertow...

[QUOTE=Magrus]I think you and I would end up in the hospital trying to drink together... :o Oh its a shame you live so far away man. We could have so much fun! Well... maybe. We might end up in jail after we get out of the hospital.[/QUOTE]
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Darth Moudi
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Post by Darth Moudi »

I would have to say Obi Wan becasue he has that accent. Another is because he's funny in some cases. Also he was a dam good fighter against Anakin on Mustafar. They fought faster than Yoda. By the way did you guys no that Ewen Mcgregor (Obi Wan) was the singer in Moulon Rouge or however you say that. It was a movie. And might I say he is a dam good singer.
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Post by Chimaera182 »

Yes, because singing ability is directly-linked to how great a Jedi is. It's a shame about Mace Windu not being able to go higher than tenor. :p

None of the battles in the games are fast, so you can't really compare the battles characters from KotOR I & II have to those from the new films (nor can you compare the characters from the new films to the old ones).
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Post by Solahma »

[QUOTE=saagard]What? that makes no sense. :confused:

Sorry Jack Dell, but I still think this should be determined by coolness, not actual physical strength.
This is a forum, speak your mind.[/QUOTE]

Learn to read better, it makes perfect sense.You were crying to Jack that he was being a nerd for killing Nihilus in 2 rounds then you insulted him.Its odd in your comment you say he was a push over statwise then you say to Jack that your a nerd if you beat him in 2 rounds.Then I said what you copy and pasted.I agreed with you both, Nihilus being a push over and then I said anyone can beat him in a few rounds and just cuz Jack did it doesnt mean hes a nerd.I fail to see your insult since you have no clue who really is behind the computer monitor.

Back on topic this is a Kotor2 forum "not a forum about Yoda or Palpatine" if you guys wanna talk about that kinda stuff go here
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Jack Dell
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Post by Jack Dell »

Yes, because singing ability is directly-linked to how great a Jedi is. It's a shame about Mace Windu not being able to go higher than tenor.

Yoda must have a four octave range! :o
Anakin is probably a eunuch. :(
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Post by saagard »

aight guys, i take back the nerd comment about jack. :( Mebbe it was Traya i was thinking of? i dunno. i confuse myself sometimes. i replayed him and its really easy. srry if i insulted anyone. he sounds like high c is hard for him. :D

whats an eunuch?

he who goes to bed with itchy butt wakes up with stinky finger-someone very wise

why dont we all just go get some massachusets, and a bit of Alaska, throw in some Washington for good measure, and make some high quality country socialist-like.
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Jack Dell
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Post by Jack Dell »

whats an eunuch?
lol a eunuch is a male who as a child suffers the horrendous amputation of his sexual organs so that he has a higher singing voice throughout his whole life. If you cut off the place where testosterone is made there is no widening of the vocal chords and thus you sound higher, but it is not quite the same sound as a female. Yes I am the peculiar combination of amateur singer and future biologist (im only 18 after all), so I'm entitled to know about it. Because this isn't practiced anymore it led to a revaluation of all male contratenors (guys who can sing as high as chicks) who sing classical pieces performed in the past by eunuchs and now these rare mothers are paid a lot more.

Anyway, theres your uselessly long explanation. Who thought Star Wars forums could be stimulating! Does anyone give a crap?... not likely. :p
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Post by Chimaera182 »

Weren't eunuchs castrated so they would make good servants of women and not have sex with them?

Nihilus looked cool. I still wish I could wear his mask once you kill him and Visas takes it from him. That would be pimp.

Kreia and Thrawn are still my favorites, though, with Revan pre-capture coming in close behind them. From the movies, pure Palpatine. He was a master manipulator and about as pure evil as they get.
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Greatmaster B
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Post by Greatmaster B »

My personal favorite character in the movies is Qui-Gon Jinn because he is like a true Jedi should be imho. In the EU I like Corran Horn because he is such a "grounded" character.
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Jack Dell
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Post by Jack Dell »

Yes Eunuchs were also used as man servants that couln't procreate for obvious reasons. The practice was established around 700 B.C. but I just talked about singing eunuchs cause it was relevant to my point. Qui-Gon rocks too bad he was given so little screen time in comparison, a waste of good acting when you consider Anakin's incessant whiny drawl.
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