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glitch at telos academy (spoiler)

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glitch at telos academy (spoiler)

Post by vanir »

Well I'm on my second game around, having trumped the first one with an annhiliation of a light-mastering jedi guardian/weapon master. I literally walked through every encounter without a trouble. Now I'm after some fun.

The new character is probably going to get a little more sith orientated through this game but he's starting off frugal, after all there's no need to go around force-lightning everything until you've at least constructed a lightsabre.
So he enters the telos academy for the first time and this one isn't suspicious at all (he's the one others may wish to be suspicious of). So he lowers his weapons without a thought. Then I hit the glitch.

My companions weren't imprisoned and I gained *more* force points (ugh). But now they just hang around the door and after you've spoken to Atris and get ready to be off, they keep standing there.
Bao-Dur however, is in a forcecage I can't find any way to open, unconscious.
R4-what'sisface, locked up and is happy to make computer spikes for me, but not enter into any conversation or cut-away other than what would take place on the Ebon Hawk.

I'm stuck in the Telos academy, unfortunately with no saved game outside the interior of the academy itself. All I can do is repeatedly re-enact the meeting with Atris through a game cheat of speaking with my companions at the door. But get no result and they won't move from the door.
I don't have the option to cease solo mode. Nor to access the Ebon Hawk until my companions are somehow freed.
There is no way to turn off the forcecages to free Bao-Dur.
Nor R4 or whatever that little tin can's name is.
Icemaiden is a spunk but offers no assistance, nor do any of her sexy sisters of pain. I've already tried I think every response from Atris to no avail.

And it seriously annoys me I've got to go back over all the crap it takes to get to here. I really just want to get to the part where you're finally in charge of the Ebon Hawk and build your own lightsabre, so I can get down to business.

I mean, this glitch really kills the whole atmosphere. I couldn't play Kotor I anymore once the magic died. I was kinda looking forward to getting more than a game and a half out of this $90 before I got sick of it.
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Post by C_Rock77 »

has ANYONE had this happen to them? I'm having the VERY same problem with MY game!! Any fixes that you guys know of?
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Post by Chimaera182 »

This glitch has been mentioned before, there have been a few threads on it. Unfortunately, the only solution I recall seeing was to restart from a save before you go down there. Sorry, vanir.
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Post by Greatmaster B »

I had the problem in the german version of the game with the 1.0b patch. I reloaded the auto save (had to fight the 3 HK-50s again) and chose a different dialogue option (the first crapped out (the one for LS points) => I took the second option and then gave up). Then Kreia and Atton were imprisoned and it worked fine.
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Post by Steven00009 »

I had the same problem. You have to use an alternate response when they tell u to put away your weopons. :)
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Post by w666tvr »

Check this thread on the Obsidian forums.
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