Why? For one, it's simply been too long. The people who made BG2 at Bioware are for the most part long gone, and publishers are interested in money, not in such petty, mortal matters as reassembling a great development team.
Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't think so. For better and worse, Interplay's Brian Fargo had a vision, and kept a strong hand in what he wanted the company to make. There's no one like that at the helm of Atari, where accountants rule.[/QUOTE]
In all likelihood, you're correct in assuming the emphasis in BG3 will be on storytelling and not laying out a Morrowind like world. BG2 was one of those rare games where both solid and intriguing storylines and NPC interactions managed to mix well with a non-linear pace (well the illusion of it, anyway), expansive environments, and detailed combat situations. We're more likely to see a more KoTOR style game in the third installment. I'm sure it will include exhaustive voice-overs and non-recycled graphics, and, interesting NPC development. Hence, it should be enjoyable for a large portion of its fan base. Assuming its not the same kind of mediocre drivel that was NwN. I'll actually be very interested in seeing what direction NwN2 is taken in by Obsidian. If its a success, I wouldn't be suprised to see BG3 resemble it in many ways. Of course, it's possible that BG3 will be unlike anything we've ever seen before. It's happened before (for that matter it happened with the earlier Infinity Engine games). Regardless, it's my hope that someone with a real vision and love of the previous games ends up helming the development team on the third game. I'll not jump to the bleak conclusion that no one at Atari has vision, quite yet. Though, maybe in time....