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Craftable Rods

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Craftable Rods

Post by bariumdose »

Does anyone have a complete list of craftable rods and descriptions?

I searched this forum and came up with this list but unsure if it is comprehensive. If someone wishes to amend or correct the list, please feel free.

Rod of the Python - +1 quarterstaff, can become a giant constrictor 1/d

Rod of the Viper - +2 heavy mace, the tip can become a venomous serpent 1/d (constitution damage)

Staff of Defense
Adds +1 to attack, +2 to armor class, and the following spells may be cast: fog cloud, mage armor, mirror image, protection from arrows, shield

Staff of the Transmuter
The following spells may be cast: bear's endurance, cat's grace, eagle's splendor, fox's cunning, owl's wisdom, bull's strength

White Rod, Minor
+1 Light Mace, 25 charges Cure Light, Remove Fear, Prot Evil

White Rod
+2 Light Mace, 25 Charges Cure Moderate, Searing Light, Magic Circ Evil

Black Rod, Minor
+1 Light Mace, 25 charges Inflct Light, Cause Fear, Prot Good

Black Rod
+2 Light Mace, 25 Charges Inflick Moderate, Magic Circle Good, Animate Dead

Gray Rod, Minor
+1 Club, 25 Charges Natures Ally I, Goodberry, Obscuring Mist

Gray Rod
+2 Club, 25 charges Natures Ally III, Sleet Storm, Dominate Animal

Rod of Smiting?
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

This depends on what patches you're running, I believe. In my game, with patch 2 and, I can only craft three rods: the rod of the viper, the rod of the python, and the rod of smiting.

So, a "comprehensive" list is a bit undefined. That may be all that anybody's added so far, but there's probably more out there to be found, and anybody can rewrite the game to add as much as they'd like, with enough knowledge of how everything works.

One guy over at co8, Allyx, has done a lot of stuff with items anc crafting. He probably has several posts with files to add to get cool stuff to craft (I know he's got rings and staves out there somewhere). And if you PM him, he'd probably tell you how to do it yourself. He's very helpful.
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Post by bariumdose »

Thanks, Lord Plothos! Again, you've been a big help.

[QUOTE=Lord Plothos]This depends on what patches you're running, I believe. In my game, with patch 2 and, I can only craft three rods: the rod of the viper, the rod of the python, and the rod of smiting.

So, a "comprehensive" list is a bit undefined. That may be all that anybody's added so far, but there's probably more out there to be found, and anybody can rewrite the game to add as much as they'd like, with enough knowledge of how everything works.

One guy over at co8, Allyx, has done a lot of stuff with items anc crafting. He probably has several posts with files to add to get cool stuff to craft (I know he's got rings and staves out there somewhere). And if you PM him, he'd probably tell you how to do it yourself. He's very helpful.[/QUOTE]
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