Therefore, I am opening this thread as a preserve for discussion and debate on controversial topics and issues such as foriegn policy, past and current events, and politics in general. While the discussion is not limited to these, more often than not, most "serious" threads in SYM lead to those.
As the creator of this thread, I'm going to introduce rules for conduct and posting here. If you take issue with these rules - even one of them - I ask that you do not post in the thread. If this means the thread ends up being a ghost town...then so be it. The rules are as follows:
1. Spam is not allowed. Posts should be relevant, and while appropriate, topically-related spam artfully employed in the body of a post is harmless (and therefore acceptable), irrelevant posts are unacceptable. I will request these kinds of posts be removed by a moderator.
2. Anyone is welcome to post here. If you've always been interested in the kinds of issues that will come up for discussion here, then this thread is intended for you. Feel free to jump in. Even if it's to simply ask a question about a certain post (for the sake of clarity, curiosity, etc), please do.
3. Observe the hot-headed restriction. If at any time in the course of a discussion/debate, you as a participant begin to feel hot under the collar, angry, upset, or offended, then you must take emotional leave from the thread. This means that the moment you recognize this in yourself (or someone else notices and informs you), you must retire from the thread for at least 12 hours (this means no posting) and take a breather. Play some games. Feed your goldfish. Take a long walk. Whatever you need to do to distance your mind from the issue that has you upset, do it. The hot-headed restriction is designed to prevent a poster's passions from ruling their thoughts. There are no exceptions to this.
4. All personal differences will be worked out via PMs. This relates to rule #3 above. This thread is NOT the place to work out personal differences. If personal differences arise between contributors to the thread, I expect this to be worked out before participation in discussion is resumed.
5. Observe the protocols of honest debate. I will ask for this to be enforced most stringently, since in my estimation most flame wars find their origins in the disregard of these protocols. In a nutshell, these protocols dictate courtesy to others, the willingness to subject your opinions to the criticism of others, keeping a handle on your passions for the sake of discussion, and the acceptance that you will be asked to substantiate your opinions by others involved in a debate or discussion. Protocol also requires that you respond to the queries of others. Repeatedly ignoring a question, instead of making it go away, usually has the effect of making one appear dishonest.
Those are the five ground rules. With that out of the way, we can carry on. Feel free to open it up. Since it's close to bed time for me, I'll wait till tomorrow before I set my mind on something to discuss. If you beat me to it, I'll just join in.
EDIT - I see that I neglected to mention something very important. My bed was looking rather attractive as I typed the last paragraph above.
6. Topics for discussion will not be a continuation of other threads. A number of topics have already been brought up for discussion in SYM, and therefore have their own threads. Use the SEARCH function if in doubt. Since this thread is not intended to be a convenient catch-all for topics already discussed elsewhere, I ask that posters do some research before posting. I reserve the right to disallow any topic from being discussed in this thread.
That's the sixth ground rule. If my coffee-starved brain is functioning clearly enough at this time, that should be the last.