So I've talked with Juhani bout the whole thing, and that Xor guy already showed up once, but he won't show up for the 2nd time.
I've already been to all the worlds trying to find the trigger but nothing happend yet...
Obviously I took Juhani everywhere so that's not it
Is this a bug or am I just having bad luck or something?
I always thought that Xor appeares only when you get the last Star Map. As far as I know he spawns on Manaan or on Korriban.
So don't worry - seek the other Star Maps.
On russian forum I saw a mention that it is actually possible to turn Juhani to the dark side again. To do that you have to "Take her with you, talk to her all the possible dialogs and make her kill Xor in her sidequest". Then when you will fight at the roof of the Rakatan Temple, she will join you against Jolee. (If you are evil).
Well, that didn't work for me...
So I want to ask - is this really possible? Did anyone turned Juhani to dark side again? Did I do something wrong?
This (your spoiler) is exactly my beef, Kams. I heard the same thing and oriented a whole game around it. Then, after I did everything I could correctly (at least I think so, including finishing the sidequest) it didn't work!! Has anyone actually completed this quest themselves, personally?!
Lol I'm trying to turn Juhani too
Didn't work yet tho...
That's why I need that Xor guy show up! And I already have all the 5 Starmaps...
I should go to Unknown now but I'm stuck here on the other planets trying to get Xor show up again...
I think that Xor trigger is the time-based one. (Sorry for the long explanation)
In my last walkthrough I did not ever took Juhani with me (though I was talking with her on each level-up).
I just read in forum that the first appearing of Xor actually disables another trigger - the appearing of merchant (he approaches after Leviathan), who sends you to the cantina on Korriban and opens a new cool shop there.
So I had to keep Juhani in Ebon Hawk - just in case. Xor can not appear, when Juhani is not in the party.
But after Leviathan, when I finally got a new shop, I took Juhani and got the first Xor's appear.
But then I wanted to close this side quest - I just don't like when I leave something unended - so I went to another planet to get second Xor's ecounter.
And he was nowhere to be found. (Just like in your sitation)
I wandered the planets at random for about half an hour and finally got sick of killing those "Incoming Fighters".
Well, I forgot about that quest and went to find the last Star Map (on Korriban that was).
But when I played for about an hour more - entered the academy, or whatever - I returned to Ebon Hawk with Juhani and Xor was there.
So the solution for your problem may be:
Run around some planet, enter dungeons, kill some mobs, or just stand still for some time. Probably Xor's trigger will trigger.
Thx for explaining
But I got tired of waiting and I'm at Malak's place now so I guess I'll have to try turn Juhani to the dark side a 4th time playing
Thx tho
I thought Xor's second reappearance is triggered when you run around some planet and then return to the Ebon Hawk? I found him on Manaan, I just went out of the docking bay and went back to the Hawk and there he was.
I mean to say, Kams said you should do a lot of stuff on the planet, but all I did was take three steps forward and backward.
You should do so well as to be sucked into the engine of some evil Sith Lord, you know.
There are spots in the game that trigger encounters. I'm not sure about the specifics of this, but I know that the landing pad by the Ebon Hawk on Korriban and in the Jedi Enclave both trigger whatever encounter you are do to recieve next.
I had trouble triggering Xor, so I kept walking around the Ebon Hawk on Korriban, boarding the ship and then leaving it, and eventually it triggered the encounter. However, like I said before, I couldn't get it to work, so I'm probably not the best source.
Ah, in any case, I'd suggest looking for Xor on Manaan cause that's where I found him. At least it's a guarantee he'll be there if you go outside and come back. Well, sort of...
Ok, I'll stop spamming now.
And, BTW, I believe the trigger hotspots are outside the Ebon Hawk in the Jedi Enclave, on Korriban, and on Tatooine, a little way down the path on Manaan (next to the Merchant Selkath), and I'm not sure where it is on Kashyyyk since I've never met anyone there.
You should do so well as to be sucked into the engine of some evil Sith Lord, you know.
in order for the xor guy to show up, i believe you have to finish the korriban level or possibly the manaan level and he should show up just as you are entering the ebon hawk area...
BTW, I went back to check it and Xor din't appear when I walked into the docking bay but I had to use the "return to Ebon Hawk" button instead on the map screen.
Dunno why.
You should do so well as to be sucked into the engine of some evil Sith Lord, you know.