Let me first start off by saying that I too am dissapointed in the premature release of the game. I understand as does any other avid gamer that games usually aren't released "bug free", however the release of Dungeon Lords in the condition it is now has definately impacted my views on the parent companies behind her. I will not purchase another product from their studios. Someone made a good point here on this forum saying that "When you buy a new car you don't have to wait to get the doors"; he was answered by another poster saying that cars and video games were totally opposite things, one being for pleasure and not life or death, the other being a necessity. I would have to say that condoms are also for pleasure but we don't need patches for those do we?
Anyways with that out of the way I am patiently waiting for the 1.3 (1.2) patch before deeming the game "a waste of money". Meanwhile I can only hope to find answers and help to the quirks here. I will also do what I can to help others while they wait with me for the patch.
I do have one question. I am still supposed to deliver the letter from the wizard in arrindale to Davenmore according to my quest log. However I am far beyond this point, I just found Mara. Have I missed something or is this just a bug?
Yep, man, all these things happen, because hungry for money people use us to fill their pockets. But we are the guilty ones, because we wait patiently for another and another patch...
Aye a bug.. it still shows on my quest log too and Im piddling around the Vale of Ruins, Leveling up until the patch comes out. I set my Options difficulty to Normal and occurances to More, and just run around the Moonstone or set to char screen and let it sit for 5 min then come back and Fight off the Mob. Port to Arrindale, sell to Twinkle Toes in the Dress and then head back for more damage.
Will probably have a couple million GP before the patch comes out and be level 50 or so.
Good to know its a common bug... This is my third char I had to start due to game ending glitches (ie arena lock in). Yea I'm basically doing the same running around leveling up not really focused on main quests due to the fact I don't want to finish the game until things are right, I'm one of those peeps that normally don't play SP twice. Has anyone had any success with 56k multiplayer? I'd be curious if it is worth trying.
I think they released the game early because of the pressure game-fans put on the creaters. And the bugs aren't that big of a problem for me anyways, i love the game as it is. Nagging for the patch to come will only result in a half-finished patch anyways so just wait patiently... I am confident everything will be solved.
I have to disagree that nagging for the patch will further problems. Without pressure on the developers to finish the job there is no quality control. It's business, If you went to your local WalMart or what have you and purchased something that didn't work would you keep it and forget about it, or go back and request that you be refunded? There is no difference here. By seeing that customers are not happy they must please us, otherwise they will always be frowned upon and their products ignored.
Excuse me, but I still do not see the point why such things are tolerated! As long as there are people buying such products, without fighting for their rights, there always will be such companies who would sell unfinished products. In Europe, especially in Germany there are special law-organizations -- when you find a rotten product in the market - they sue the responsible company for thousands of euro. So, that's why there are no company, who dares to lie its customers. There is much to learn from this fact, isn't there?!
I have beta tested games that haven't even been released due to lack of funding to complete the project that were more complete (Or seemed that way) than DL.
Has enyone ever seen in market game that is as unfinished and buggy as DL?
I havent.
Best yet was Might and Magic XI, but that was nothing compared to this.[/QUOTE]
I have never seen anything like this before. It's not that uncommon to see get a really buggy game at release. For instance, Divine Divinity was a mess when released. However, a couple of patches later and this turned into a great game. The big difference between the two- DL and DD- is that DD was a complete world, DL is not. Nor will it ever be, unless a modding crew takes up and finishes the job on their own. That is the huge problem that makes DL unique. Because of this, DL is not likely to become anything more that a coulda-shoulda-might-have-been game.
Actually DL reminds me a lot of Daggerfall which was a game with a great idea back in 94 but a horrible number of bugs (you were lucky to play 30 mins without a game crash, saving every 10 mins was a must).
But the bugs in Morrowind were fixed, and all the skills and spells work.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
[QUOTE=fable]But the bugs in Morrowind were fixed, and all the skills and spells work. [/QUOTE]
Yes, most bugs were fixed, but my games will crash on rare occasions and I still worry about corrupt save games cropping up now and again. Still, when you compare the complexity and depth of design of Morrowind to other games, such as DL, it is a rightously (sp?) well-crafted product. You know that the people at Bethesda truly care about the quality of the material they produce. Wish I could say the same for...Wish I could find some reason not to be negative about the overall production effort of DL too.
[QUOTE=Frodo1]Yes, most bugs were fixed, but my games will crash on rare occasions and I still worry about corrupt save games cropping up now and again.[/QUOTE]
Crash on rare occasions: Only rare on game with 2 addons and about 30 mods (I had 36 mods in my Morrowind) from different developers. Crashing of that kind I can understand.
[QUOTE=Hitrijs]Crash on rare occasions: Only rare on game with 2 addons and about 30 mods (I had 36 mods in my Morrowind) from different developers. Crashing of that kind I can understand.[/QUOTE]
Very true, mods make the game very *interesting*, but I mean crashes even when not using any non-Bethesda mods.
I have had DL freeze on me a few of times. This has been due to other programs demanding my attention, such as Microsoft updates, and since DL can't be reduced, or whatever the correct term is, the game freezes and I have to restart my computer. My email service does the same, so that program is off when I play.
Since there is no game engine such as TES Construction Set, is there any realistic hope that DL mods can be produced? Sorry for my lack of computer knowledge.