With the 1.3 patch installed, I decided to go it again with a different character. This time a mage. The first time I visited Aleister I took the Battle mage quest.
Now I have Galdryn's Horn and went back to visit Aleister at the Arcane Emporium. He recognizes that I have the horn but does not give me the letter. I have gone through all the the words in Aleister's list at least twice hitting every word and nothing triggers him giving me a letter. If I can't get the letter I can't leave Fargrove.
Looks like they broke something else while they were fixing the other (Bugs)problems.
I also found the Poison Cloud still doesn't work in 1.3.
This game is really getting to me with all the bugs after 2 patches.
No Letter from Aleister
Yes she sent me to Aleister. I tried going back to talk to her but she is unavailable. I think getting the battlemage quest broke the letter link. All he does when I first talk to him after he menions the horn is remind me of the battlemage quest.
I still find it strange that the log doesn't keep the main quest listed completely, but does the side quests without failure.
I still find it strange that the log doesn't keep the main quest listed completely, but does the side quests without failure.
I just noticed the battlemage part, which is confusing. To get the battlemage quest, you should have had to complete the initiation quest, and that quest requires you to leave the city -- which you haven't done yet. So something is clearly broken, and it's showing up in Aleister's dialogue.
DreamCatcher must have kept the same quality assurance team that tested the retail release of the game.
DreamCatcher must have kept the same quality assurance team that tested the retail release of the game.
Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."