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Why can't I equip a medium weapon on off hand??

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Why can't I equip a medium weapon on off hand??

Post by StormArm »

I did activate the DeathLord class!! The icon was lighted and I did get the skill of medium dual weapon!! I placed 5 points on this skill but I still can not equip a medium weapon on off hand!!

Some of my skills don't match the requirement of the DeathLord class, is it the reason ??


str 48, int 33, dex 42, agi 40, vit 48, hor 33

Heavy weapon 5, Heavy armor 5, Heavy shield 3 ,rune magic 7, nether magic 7
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Post by swcarter »

I think I read somewhere that a rusted axe is the only medium weapon that can be dual wielded. This is just another part of the game that isn't quite finished / working properly.

Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
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Post by Bloodred »


Wow, am I freaking glad I became a Samurai/Hatamoto instead of the all-too-commonly-used Death Lord.
"The path to enlightenment is as thin and narrow as the blade of a sword"
“Peace at battle, calm in the storm“
“When a sword smith crafts a katana, he must beat the steel to make it stronger“
“The suffering of one is nothing, when compared to the suffering of all"
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