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Post by fred »

Can anyone tell me what this error message means and how to fix it, would like to keep my saved games if possible.

Expression Error Unable to find cell id " Fort Frostmouth " in script Colony Report timer

I have tried to go back to a previosly saved game, I get the same message. I have tried reloading Bloodmoon, that didn't change anything. Thanks
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Post by fable »

It sounds like you're missing a file that Fort Frostmouth needs to access to run. If it's a mod, just remove it from the loading list before running Morrowind, or look for another download source for that mod.
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Post by Rookierookie »

Try reinstalling Bloodmoon. I assume you made a typo...
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Post by fred »

I put in 2 mods from Morrowind Summit, underground house and a new island called Azura , which is suppose to be southe east of Seyda Neen. I removed them , but it's still doing the same. I used MPM, Morrowind Plugin Manager, to load and unload them.
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Post by fred »

I reloaded Bloodmoon 4 times, no luck.
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Post by fable »

You could always try doing a second install, then copy over the contents of various directories (*not* those with saved games) to your first install.
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Post by fred »

Do you mean reload Morrowind itself? and just keep copies of my saved games?I understand that I could reload all of the mods I have , then put my saves back in..............but I don't think that's what you mean??
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Post by fable »

I mean keep your current installation of Morrowind, but reinstall it elsewhere on your hard drive. Then copy over the directories for the new installation over the old one, leaving the saved game directory alone. That way, any files that you're missing in your old Morrowind installation should be replaced.
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Post by fred »

I would have to reload any anhancement mods also,correct.The ones that overwrite some of the existing game files.
Can it be done directly from the disk?If I use the 'explore' option for that drive?
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Post by fable »

I would leave out those mods, since it's probable oine of them is responsible for your file problems. Where did you download them from? I find Morrowind Summit is a very reputable site for mods that do no damage to one's setup.
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Post by fred »

I downloaded 90% from Summit and most of the others come TESSource, my game was running fine with the mods I did have, then I put the last 2 in ( from Summit ) and that's when it went screwy, then I removed those 2, and nothing, then I reloaded Bloodmoon at least 4 times.
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Post by fable »

Then I suspect the problem is in one of those two mods overwriting a standard file with one of its own. So avoid reinstalling those two mods, when you get back up.
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Post by fred »

Thanks Fable, I appreciate it. It won't be ther first reload, and prob. not the last..............just irritating and time consuming.
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