Here is my char, unfortunately he wont get any better since i cant get the door to the great tower to appear. i play on lan with my bro, we must have done something wrong lol...
This is my second character. I wanted a combination of decent mele' and magic so I chose a War Witch with a minor class of Marauder for the dual Weapon Weild. She cuts through everything with little problem, plus.... she's pretty hot! Check it out.............
Here is a character that I have been building all day and most of the night. I decided to see if I could build him up before starting any of the 4 relic quests. It worked. By using the mountain entrance to Vale of Ruins I was able to also travel to both the Forbidden Lands and Human lands. The west gate remained closed but I was able to enter Fargrove from the South gate and proceed as normal. This character hasn't even started the Trial of Ancients quest yet.
[QUOTE=Wraithawk]Got a 60+ character to show named can I do this?
Hope someone can take the time to tell me!!! :/\[/QUOTE]
Press your print screen button. Exit the game and open up your paint shop software what ever it is. Under File or Edit there will be an option to "paste as new image" Do so and your picture should come up.
If you read through through the previous five pages you will find some links others have posted to some free programs that you can install that will make this process easier.
Yeah, I get to wait a whole 15 seconds for my lockpicks while you only get 10 seconds so nyah nyah nyah nyah Naw, just being a perfectionist. I was also curious to see if the ultimate thief build would make it more difficult. It did'nt. Still fun. She rocks with ninjutsu!!!