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Ok, I have another stupid question.

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Ok, I have another stupid question.

Post by ForgottenChilde »

I put the gamma up as high as it goes, and I still can't see a thing. Is there a cheat that will make it easier to see in the dark (considering my character doesn't have any disciplines that allow that to be possible)? Please help...
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Post by fable »

It's not a stupid question, at all.

Have you tried increasing the brightness of your monitor, or the gamma/brightness setting on your video card?
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Post by yrthwyndandfyre »

There are other, less obvious fixes, too. If you have a contrast control for your video card, lower the contrast. As unlikely as it seems, that helps a great deal.

I used to have the ritual blindness problem, and used to cuss out game makers for having to artificially increase the difficulty of the game by artificially blinding the PC. Eventually, I found out that the problem was my monitor. When I replaced it, the problem went away across the board!
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Post by Lady_Lithium »

Although this sounds like a stupid suggestion, have you tried turning off the lights directly above your computer? I found that the lights made it next to impossible to see in certain areas (such as Ocean House), but turning them off fixed the problem. Of course, then there's the problem of jacking up the creep factor...but what else is Mr. Teddy for?
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Post by Dementia »

[QUOTE=Lady_Lithium]Although this sounds like a stupid suggestion, have you tried turning off the lights directly above your computer? I found that the lights made it next to impossible to see in certain areas (such as Ocean House), but turning them off fixed the problem. Of course, then there's the problem of jacking up the creep factor...but what else is Mr. Teddy for?[/QUOTE]
I agree with Lady Lithium that is often the problem at home that and the window right behind me. The dimmer the lights the better.
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Post by silver_frost »

Lower the refresh rate or try changing ur card settings. Or maybe ur monitor is a little screwed and is dark, which you only notice in a dark game. No pun intended.
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Post by kams »

When it was too dark to play, I used Auspex or Protean Disciplines.
To adjust gamma is an easy way, but using of the Disciplines adds a good gaming experience.

Just imagine - it is dark around you and you can only make it more brighter for a small amount of time - then it will be dark again.
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