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The first time you played Morrowind

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Post by IdaGno »

[QUOTE=IdaGno]Nvidia graphics card users: Diaplay Properties > Your vid card > Direct3D Settings > More Direct3D Settings > Render no more than 3 (default) frames(s) ahead

try adjusting this default setting downwards from 3 to 2 or 1 for increased fps - as always, hardware dependent, so ymmv

ATI users, not sure where such an adjustment would be made

(source: Bethesda reply posted in a Morrowind newsgroup)[/QUOTE]

my bad folks (it was late & I was tired & working solely fr memory) - the user's issue was slow mouse speed when in inventory (but who knows, maybe it's more global than that) - anyway, an easily modified setting for Nvidia card users
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Post by lifeishell91 »

Basically amazed, and I specifically remember running behind the trees when I suddenly heard someone screaming, then I hid and waited, and saw that someone had suddenly died, and they had suddenly appeared. :rolleyes:
(falling mage ;) )
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Post by Rookierookie »

Same thing here.
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Post by BloodyGuakamole »

You guys arent gonna like this but I remember the first thing I noticed is how stupid people look when they move.

I though the graphics werent all that great except that water and when I first fought someone I just turned off my xbox because the battle system was horrible. I also hate the glitchy movement.

Moving around could really be a lot better. Sometimes getting up somthing isnt based on your acrobatics but how good you are at glitching up rocks and I will quite often get the screen-twitch because i jumped somewhere it didn't like.

Now I play about 4 hours a day :)
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Post by Red_X »

One of my friends recommended this game a year or two ago and I haven’t stopped playing it since. there is sooo much stuff you can do just between Balmora and Sada Neen! The first time I played it I was really confused, I didn’t really know what skills to pick or what items to buy but after reading a lil and talking to ppl It got a whole lot easier. Now I’m on my fifth character and I have the best armor and weapons money can’t buy. (hehe steeling is so fun.)

I also agree with Dragon Wench about the lightning, the first time I heard it in Balmora, I jumped so high I got that skylight I always wanted :D .
Whoever said nothing is impossible never tried slamming a revolving door :mad:
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