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Am I screwed?

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Am I screwed?

Post by BloodyGuakamole »

I think I might have a problem after looking through a walkthrough a little.

I was just wandering around and ended up in Tel Fyr and the guard at the enterance to the corpasium saud that I could do whatever and he'd enjoy killing me... so I cut him down. Now if I talk to anyone in Tel Fyr they attack me. Everyone except the fat dwarf. I also killed every corpus monster.

Do I have a problem? If I do is there any way around it?
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Post by Ravager »

Have you passed the curing corprus quest yet? As long as you haven't killed the dwarf and the other Telvanni outside the Corpusarium you should be alright.

I don't know if there is a Telvanni quest associated with this area, though.
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Post by BloodyGuakamole »

Im not n the corpus cure quest yet, thats why I'm worried. I saved before killing the dwarf and the guy next to him so I just reloaded when I found out that was bad but the guy next to the dwarf attacks me on sight (or at least if I talk to him) but in the walkthrough it ways NOT to kill any corpus guys on the mission and I already killed em all so I was just wondering if itll matter in the long run.
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Post by GA_Havoc »

If you can still talk to the dwarf and the wizard upstairs you shouldn't have any problems, otherwise you can still finish the mainquest the hard way.
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Post by BLHENG »

How do you finish it the hard way? I can't talk to the telvanni, but he doesn't attack me either.
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=BLHENG]How do you finish it the hard way? I can't talk to the telvanni, but he doesn't attack me either.[/QUOTE]

[url=""]From the Game Banshee Morrowind Walkthrough[/url]
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Post by Magelord648 »

The warden says he will enjoy killing you if you bring up the topic "plunder the dungeon" but doesn't actually attack.
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