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RPGs... Male dominated

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Post by C Elegans »

[QUOTE=Demortis]Guys can I ask a favor: Can you use words that a Redneck can understand? I dont have all these fancy diplomas that say I understand very big words.[/QUOTE]

I'll try do my best - my problem is that since English is my second language, it's actually more difficult to me to express a complicated issue in simple words.

I'm glad you take time to read in this thread even though you don't understand all words - please just ask if there is something particular you wonder about! :)
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Post by fable »

I totally agree with this. Do you live in the US? The concept of quasi-biologically determined feminism comes from the US, and it's the worst kind of pseudoscience.

Tell me about it. :rolleyes: It's the flipside of all this "males meant to dominate, because it's in the genes" nonsense. Each side actually gains by the presence of the other, because they turn up the volume in response, churn out more crap, and make a lot more money in the pop press. And that's ultimately what's it all about: not making science, not offering explanations, but the sell. It's prejudice masquerading as serious research for money.
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Post by Chanak »

I've enjoyed reading over this thread; in particular, perusing CE's posts. Some may not be aware that the human brain is her playground, so to speak. ;)

Human beings as a whole seem to be very sensitive and susceptible to the power of suggestion. These suggestions can arrive to us dressed in a variety of clothing styles. In the US, the media boasts a powerful wardrobe at it's beck and call. Politicos and powerbrokers are well aware of this, and use it to their advantage. Suggestion is like a double-edged sword, or a blessing wrapped inside of a curse. In the end, much like everything else it's all in our hands, for good or ill. I feel nature influences nuture, and vice-versa. CE did a wonderful job of illustrating that in her comparison of two musically talented people, and the possible outcomes of these talents. Perhaps the reason why neither nature nor nuture hold the ultimate power over our lives is because we as humans possess a greater degree of self-awareness than other animals. Things are subject to change.
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Post by fable »

Over for some time, I thought about this thread after hearing an extremely funny "lecture" by the comic Jeremy Hardy on BBC 7, that you can hear in its entirety, here. It kids stereotyped gender models mercilessly and with rare wit. I also find it especially interesting since over in the KotoR forums we've had the subject of gender among jedi come up, with at least one or two people claiming they couldn't believe a woman could or should have that much power. :rolleyes:
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Post by Fiona »

thanks fable.

I had heard this when it was on Radio 4 but I had forgotten how funny it is
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Post by fable »

What's sad, though, are the sheer number of utterly baseless gender stereotypes that keep getting passed from generation to generation by pre-teen and teen peer groups. They pass along nonsense like this that is automatically accepted without question, and only makes relationships throughout life that much harder to manage. But question the wisdom of the peer group...? Horror! Never!
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Post by Fiona »

There are no more conservative people that those. However I think that is a necessary part of growing up, and I don't think it is possible to change it. What kind of person, separating from the values he or she grew up with and starting to ask the big questions, would do so without group support? Scary place to be.
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Post by Ekental »

[QUOTE=fable]What's sad, though, are the sheer number of utterly baseless gender stereotypes that keep getting passed from generation to generation by pre-teen and teen peer groups. They pass along nonsense like this that is automatically accepted without question, and only makes relationships throughout life that much harder to manage. But question the wisdom of the peer group...? Horror! Never![/QUOTE]

mmm, such accusations. I think you may have damaged my soul. And what do you mean by "nonsense", *I* believed every single fact heard.

Really though, sexism is starting to turn the other way. Look at these forums i.e. Whether it's from Fable's prehistoric era of being obnoxiously polite to women, or just the fact that I'm plain terrified of being assaulted by the braintrust of feminimity at SYM, women are simply treated with more respect than men.

Getting off the subject of games, where people want women to join in part because there are so few of them. The battering of "Women rock, men suck", "Girls simply grow up faster than guys" etc. completely turn the tables from earlier eras in history. Maybe Fable, with his memory dating back to the beginning of time, can enlighten me further however, as I am still attentively listening to the nonsense I get handed every day.

Uhh, girl power anyone?

PS: I cannot believe this subject still runs, despite its multimonth hiatus.
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Post by GA_Havoc »

I like acting.
Me and some of my friends have started an acting group a little over a year ago and the members are mostly female (which is double the fun for me ;) ), and we all treat each other with equal respect.
You say women are treated with more respect and talk about stuff like "Women rock, men suck", "Girls simply grow up faster than guys" etc., yet the majority of men "earn" more money with their jobs doing the same things (sometimes not even as good) as women, they're not allowed into certain clubs because that would violate the tradition.
As far as I can tell there's more correcting required for women than against them.
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Post by dragon wench »

I think that what tends to happen is a pendulum effect. For a very long time, women faced obstacles in every direction they turned. When femininist organisations began to gain a foothold, more radical factions determined that all men were evil, power hungry, misogynists at best and evil, power hungry rapists at worst. In other words, one extreme set of conditions begets another, usually of the opposing polarity.

Okay, maybe I'm being slightly hyperbolic here, but I think you get my drift ;)
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=Ekental]Really though, sexism is starting to turn the other way. Look at these forums i.e. Whether it's from Fable's prehistoric era of being obnoxiously polite to women, or just the fact that I'm plain terrified of being assaulted by the braintrust of feminimity at SYM, women are simply treated with more respect than men.[/quote]

Sorry to intrude a bit of reality here, but if you want to check my past posts, you'll see that I'm opposed to feminism in general, and very strongly against fem-oriented paths in witchcraft. I'm generally polite to everybody, unless they're rude or deliberately targeting scapegoats. That's because I enjoy discussion. So it isn't a matter of being obnoxiously polite, so much as being interested in people and what they have to say. When you get a few centuries going and learn to think outside the box, I'm sure you'll do the same. Assuming other people let you live that long. :)

Getting off the subject of games, where people want women to join in part because there are so few of them. The battering of "Women rock, men suck", "Girls simply grow up faster than guys" etc. completely turn the tables from earlier eras in history. Maybe Fable, with his memory dating back to the beginning of time, can enlighten me further however, as I am still attentively listening to the nonsense I get handed every day.

I don't know where you're getting the impression that "Girls simply grow up faster than guys" is a new concept. It's been around for ages--in fact, women were married off until comparatively recent historical times as early as age 12, with the understanding that they would be fecund within a year or two. The fact that girls physically mature on average a few years before boys has long been known. Now, how does this translate in your vocabulary into "women good, men bad"?

As for computer gaming, the subject of this thread, it began first among computer scientists and their students, who were mostly adult and male. From there, it spread across genders on university mainframes, and finally became financially viable on standalone machines. The latest polls done by reputable outfits and paid for by the likes of Microsoft reveal that gender balance among gamers is roughly equal, and equal across all game types. Whether you care to accept this or not, is entirely up to you, but gaming companies are taking it seriously. Nothing kills rampant and unwarranted prejudice as well as a ready market.

So if you don't want to include women in your RPG groups, be my guest. And if you do, that's fine, too. But if you tell me that women are a fraction of RPG players, I will simply grin in a smug and particularly irritating fashion that old gits use when talking to young gits. :D

PS: I cannot believe this subject still runs, despite its multimonth hiatus.

Seems relevant as long as we have people insisting it's simply wrong that a female character in Star Wars have any power, since women aren't supposed to "be that way." :rolleyes:
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Post by Bryn »

Wow, it took me so long to get through this thread, I had to stop for a snack in the middle (While your character doesn't have to eat, remember that YOU do. We don't want to lose any dedicate players :) ). Anyway, I realize it's kind of old (I waded through pages and pages from over a year ago), but now that I've found it through the KOTOR forum, I'd like to make a few comments (well, maybe more than a few; a long thread merits a long response).

Following Larry Summer's controversial remarks regarding women in math, I read some articles citing evidence (note the word choice: evidence, not proof) that there are differences between the brains of men and women. (Since it relates to gaming, I'll share that one of the studies described in a Newsweek article showed that men were on average naturally better at Tetris than women, but with practice, women could get as good as men). Now, this is my own speculation, but I think it's possible that the differences in men and women's brains are the result of social conditioning, rather than the cause of all the social differences. I guess it's all a very current research topic, and little if anything is known for sure. And since I am far from an expert on this topic, I will get off this particular subject and back to the apparent difference in the number of female vs. male gamers.

Social conditioning, I think, greatly affects a person's interest in violent entertainment and affects what games a person is interested in. Back in the day, man's physical strength made him the better hunter, while woman (perhaps with her better sense of smell, or something else appropriate) would be the gatherer, which would also give her the opportunity to take along and care for her children. That's very simplified, I know, but it may be one of the roots of the issue at hand. Society is full of gender difference concepts. There's some old rhyme about boys being made of snakes and snails and puppy-dog tales, or something to that effect, and girls being made of sugar and spice and everything nice. There's the whole men from Mars, women from Venus thing. There also are definite differences in upbringing I can find in my personal history. For instance, my dad would read us each a bedtime story when we were in elementary school. He read Lord of the Rings to my brothers, but Secret Garden and A Little Princess to me (I still turned out okay ;) ). A couple of my friends and I once each took this "geek test" we found online, where it lists a bunch of statements that you check off if it applies to you, and at the end, it had something like "I am a female geek" to give you a bunch of extra points; clearly, it sees a girl geek as a rarer, more bizarre specimen than a regular old male geek (though I felt no shame in giving myself the extra points :) ). And it's true (somewhere in the thread, someone commented on this), our first family PC was given to my older brother for his birthday, and our second was given, years later, to my younger brother for his birthday. Our Sega Genesis belonged to my older brother, the PlayStation to my younger. I did get a GameBoy along the way, but note the BOY :) . It's hard to convey mood and tone of voice through writing (that's why I'm putting in all the smilies ;) ), so I want to make it clear that I'm not an angry or bitter feminist, merely a merrily musing mild feminist. Really, I suppose I somewhat enjoy being a bit of a minority.
I guess I owe my interest in computer games (RPGs mainly, other games too, most of which involve some level of violence) and fantasy/sci-fi in general partly to my brother, who as my main playmate (I lived with him after all) often made me play what he wanted to play. While I did have, and enjoy, my Barbies, when the other girls in pre-school wanted to play dress-up, I wanted to play Star Wars. I think that without my brothers, whom society was in a way encouraging to get into computer games and RPGs, I, as a girl growing up in the same society, might not have had the exposure necessary to get me interested in these things.

So why are computer games, especially RPGs, seemingly such a male thing in our society? My simplistic theory, which of course has exceptions, is that in the beginning, programmers were all males, since women hadn't much gotten into that field yet, so the men made games that were best for other males. This made more males attracted to the field, so they in turn made more games for males, etc., etc.

I'd like to digress a little and discuss this concept of games geared towards males. I think at some point in the thread, someone suggested that Tomb Raider was geared towards female players. Yes, Lara Croft is a woman. But she was not made for women. As others pointed out, she and many other video game women were designed by men for the enjoyment of other men. And for anyone who suggests that women are turned off of games with characters such as Lara because of jealousy, I'd like to say it is not envy but disgust. Looking at it a certain way, it is offensive that the males who designed her and the many more males who greatly enjoy that design seem to think that a kick-butt woman like Lara should have boulder-sized breasts (no woman has done anything bad enough to deserve breasts as cumbersome as hers :p ). Also, as to the discussion about how girls may be more interested in games with good stories and guys more interested in plain violence, I guess I have to say that I do prefer games like BG2 (though Anomen was a prick, IMO--so much for liking the romance), but that doesn't keep me from playing Diablo II through mulitple times. And as for stereotyping the types of characters girls play, my favorite BG2 character was a kensai, but in Diablo II I liked playing the sorceress, so go figure. I'm not sure I had any point in the last couple bits, so, end of digression.

Anyway, as women get into gaming and programming, and as society slowly changes expectations (and these two things build upon one another) I think the ratio of female to male gamers will continue to grow towards equality.

P.S. Sorry I went on so much. I must be in a chatty mood.
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Post by fable »

So why are computer games, especially RPGs, seemingly such a male thing in our society? My simplistic theory, which of course has exceptions, is that in the beginning, programmers were all males, since women hadn't much gotten into that field yet, so the men made games that were best for other males. This made more males attracted to the field, so they in turn made more games for males, etc., etc.

It's not simplistic. After all, I said the same thing right above you, and I said it earlier in this thread, as well. If you want to insult yourself, please find a point on which to do so that doesn't involve me on the receiving end, too. :D ;)

The programming profession was initially a small cadre largely active in academia and government circles. These definitely were male preserves for many years. The evolution of flexible, fairly comprehensible programming languages, an infrastructure to support file distribution, and above all, the perceived cultural need for computers in both homes and businesses on a daily basis has made the programming profession available to all rather than a select few. The creation of a very profitable market to the general public for computer games has meant games for an average audience written by typical representatives of that audience, for better or worse, rather than games by white male mathematically oriented geeks for other white male mathematically oriented geeks.
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