I'm a dual wielding, grand master katana and longsword - on the way to get bastard sword leveled as well.
I have a hard time picking which swords to use. This is what I've narrowed it down to so far;
Main Hand: Celestial Fury. Due to it's good properties and in particular the stunning effect.
Off-hand: This is where it gets hard.
At the moment I'm using Blackrazor, however I've recently aquired some other potentially great weapons.
The Answerer
Hindo's Doom
I believe, seeing as I only get one attack per round with my off-hand, that I should pick something with good "attributes" instead of brute force. This is why I use Blackrazor. But I'm torn between that, the great extra abilities of the Answerer and Angurvadal's properties. Hindo's doom is just thrown in there in case my theory is incorrect.
By the way, the 22 strenght with Angurvadal isn't going to work wonders for me, as I've got 21 naturally.
Could a BGII virtous person please help me in solving this little dilemma of mine?