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PC Clothier - Balmora?

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PC Clothier - Balmora?

Post by fred »

Has anyone else had a problem with a missing door to the shop? I even saw a rock coming up through the back. I loaded it the first time with Morrowind Plugin manager , then by hand, even tried both esp's that came with the mod. Nothing sems to work. The mod can me found at Morrowind Summit
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Post by fable »

What you're describing is a mod conflict. Do you have any other mods running? If so, are any of them located in or near Balmora?
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Post by fred »

I have no other mods near there.No balmora expansions loadedI have one new npc in the street out front that teleports me to Zura Island I have " House Under a Hill" running, but that's no where near there. I don't believe any other of the mods I'm using have anything to do with that spot.
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Post by fable »

House Under the Hill may be the one interfering with that. If you have stuff in it, take the stuff out, leave the HUtH, exit, and uncheck it.

Reenter the game. Move to a standard indoor shop (NOT the Clothier), save the game, and reload that save.

Now, go to the Clothier, and see if it's fixed.
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Post by fred »

I checked, I had removed HUTH earlier. I loaded this mod, saved , then went out and reloaded . Still nothing. any suggestions? thanks
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Post by fable »

One more: download TESPCD, and install it. Then, run it. TESPCD lets you compare all the mods you're running to one another, to see if there are conflicts, or compare all mods to just one mod, and see if any of the former are causing conflicts with the latter. You'll want to run it in the latter mode. Look at the documentation, and set it going. It doesn't need to run in MW, and since you haven't got many mods, it should take less than a minute to work.

Then come back and tell us if it's found any conflicts, and what those are.
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Post by fred »

This is what I found out. I deleted the esp. for House Under The Hill a few days ago. That didn't help. I looked in the Morrowind Plugin Manager and found HUTH still listed, I removed it from there. Now the Clothier Shop works fine.
Now my next question is why should that happen if they weren't in the same spot? and how do I know if I download any other mod even near balmora that it's not going to do the same? I would like to install Hall of Heroe's w/ it's expansion. Wonderin if that might mess with things too.
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=fred]This is what I found out. I deleted the esp. for House Under The Hill a few days ago. That didn't help. I looked in the Morrowind Plugin Manager and found HUTH still listed, I removed it from there. Now the Clothier Shop works fine.[/quote]

Yes, it was still running. You can't delete an ESP and leave it in your data manager without causing problems.

Now my next question is why should that happen if they weren't in the same spot?

Because they *are* in the same spot. MW divides its physical localities into areas, and any two mods in a given area might interfere with one another. That's why I suggested TESPCD--because it looks at all potential area conflicts.
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Post by fred »

In the future, for more personel knowledge, what do I do? I ran tespcd, it gave me alot of info, what exactly is the info that will help me the most?Will the conflict detecter pick up things that are 'suppose' to be there?Things that the mod has changed becouse it's was made to do just that?I put Solsteim Castle into the construction set ( attempting to put in a bigger dock for ultimate galleon mod) and TESCS gave me a bunch of scripting errors that are suppose to be in there? so could the conflict detector do the same? Does it base it's info on the "origanal" Morrowind and the 2 expansions ?
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Post by fable »

Look for area conflicts using TESPCD. Those are the only ones you really need to be worry very much about. When you see any area conflicts among your mods, it's probably a good idea to decide which mod you want to keep, and remove the other from the data manager.

Get ready. I'm about to suggest downloading another tool. ;)

It's TEStool. If TESPCD compares mods, TEStool compares mods to the game, itself. It actually removes code in mods that's in conflict with MW and its two addons. Again, I strongly suggest you read the documentation first before running it, but I've found it a tremendous help.
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Post by fred »

Would have helped to move the mod up on the list, above any other mod that changes Balmora?
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Post by fable »

With mods caused by anything except area conflicts, yes. With area conflicts, though, you can't be sure one way, or the other. It will work just fine with some mods, but with others, the physical locations are simply too close, or the game becomes unstable.
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