Can some1 help me i have a prob.
After I saved the prince from the naga temple I went back 2 Vartugg but he gave me another quest cause I didn't speak with the king about the arrangement I had 2 make.
The thing is I can't find the kind anymore. He isn't at the tnet anymore and I haven't got a clue as 2 where i can find him now, he's not in Fargrove or Arindale.
Can some1 explain 2 me where I can find him now?? Otherwise i'm stuck and heave 2 restart my game again, because I haven't got a save game that goes back far enough enymore
Plsss Help
It's not the way we go, but the way we life our lives that's Important
I have copied an old post...hoping, that your quest is, to find Vartuggs eye:
lparnell Well, it might get confusing, but here goes...
You have to talk to Staroxia in the Forbidden Lands. She will give you the special phrase that will unlock Grymlok's mind. Grymlock is located in a tower almost due east of the Tomb of Souls (just North of that lake). Find Grymlok after visiting Staroxia. Talk to him (exhaust all conversation) and he will give you the codes to getting into the Vale of Ruins. Then go to a moonbridge and you will have the 'code' to the Vale of Ruins. Dial the code and you are there.
Once in the Vale of Ruins, you have to find the alter. You place the blood on the alter and wait for the messenger to show up. Once she does, she gives you the password to get into the Tomb of Souls.
Note: There have been a lot of problems with the messenger showing up, so make sure you save the game BEFORE you place the blood on the alter. Also, wait for a while it can take a minute or two before she flies in and lands. If successful, save the game AFTER the conversation so you do not have to do that again.
I already did that quest but wanted 2 talk 2 the king before he gave me another quest 2 solve because I didn't talk 2 him. But I guess that's the story line, although why he say he wants a formal agreement from the king before I can advance beats me. That's before you go get his son that's 1 of the tasks he gives ya.
P.S.: srry for me language English's not me native language so dunno how 2 discribe it properly. Did me best though
It's not the way we go, but the way we life our lives that's Important
Yup, That's just part of the story line. I got confused initially too, but didn't worry about it when nothing adverse happened, and it seemed to be the only course the game would let me take.
And don't worry about your English and explination. I could understand what you meant just fine, and your english is certainly better than any second language I have!