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Game freezes in Warehouse

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Game freezes in Warehouse

Post by TybudX »

Hey, not sure if anybody here can help me, but I'm hoping some one can at least point me in the right direction =P.

Upon entry into the north east warehouse in the Targos docks, the game does it's auto-pause: enemy sighted, at which time everything seems fine. As soon as I try to unpause it, under any circumstances, the game freezes on me. I've tried turning off the auto-pause, it doesn't make any difference. I have the Undead Targos mod, Ease of Use, and Bonus Merchant installed, as well as the latest patch.

Here's the error message I get.

"An Assertion failed in ObjAnimation.cpp at line number 24255"

It appears exactly like that, under a window titled "Icewind Dale II".

Any ideas? :confused:
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Post by myrophine »

I have only some of those mods installed so I'm unsure but I have a couple of ideas (which is better than silence unless they are totally wrong ideas...)

I know its important in what order the things are installed. I think patch first, but then I don't know for sure what order to do things...I have patch (1st) then ease of use (2nd).

I had some problems nonetheless....I can't remember what the error said but yours sounded familiar...and it happened without anything to do with autopause just when certain areas loaded up.

I solved it with the following: I noticed my CD was old (bought 2001 or so) and so I cleaned it. Someone tell me if I cleaned it wrong but I used dish soap (a tiny amount) liberally mixed with cold water...put the CD in the soapy mixture briefly just seconds to a minute (in the sink). Rinse with copious water NO SCRUBBING then dry with a fluffy cotton towel going from the "eye of the CD" towards the edges always perpendicular to the grooves of the circular CD (ie in a radial direction).

And it must have (I don't know...) loaded the information somehow onto the computer from the disk because I only had trouble at 3 spots and once I cleaned it I never had trouble again even with new parties.

Anyhow it worked (but then maybe if i had turned the computer on and off 3 times and done the happy computer dance it would have too?). :) :) :)

I would also try consulting someone more knowledgable than me in computer things. I only know how to clean disks, turn things on and off, or kill monsters :)

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Post by TybudX »

Well, after much messing around, I got the area to load properly. Problem is, I had to uninstall Undead Targos to do it ; ;. Everything else (seemingly) works fine, so I'm going to try a few things out.

First, I'm going to save a game while I am inside the room, before I kill anything, and reinstall Undead Targos. I'm hoping it will work properly.

If that fails, I am going to reload the original save game, clear the room, save another game, and try reinstalling. I'll see what that gets me.

And if that fails, I'm going to enter the next area, save yet another game, and try reinstalling.

I really don't want to give up on Undead Targos. It worked great on my last run through the game, so I'm not sure why it is giving me problems this time.

/sigh... Hell, maybe it is the disc. I'll have to borrow my roommate's cleaner when he gets home. It's a brand new game, though, I just pulled it out of the factory sealed box a few weeks ago. The discs all look beautiful.

Why? WHY?! :(
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Post by myrophine »

Since its new I doubt its a dirty disk...

and since the thing works without undead targos I doubt its a malfunctioning disc...

However, I know that other people have gotten undead targos mod to work I bet that it can work in your game too :)

Anyhow good luck and I'm glad its working to some extent.

BTW, let me know if undead targos is fun. I've always wished I could just push a button and get enough xp/journal entries/items/etc then go on and fight the orcs.

- myrophine
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Post by lokiju »

Well, I just had a similar experience. I had it crash at the warehouse, as soon as I entered and then unpaused the combat with the skeletons.

I uninstalled everything (since I didn't know how to just get rid of Targos....I tried a few things to no avail), and reinstalled all but the Targos mod, and everything is running smoothly.

I did keep the save files so my characters are at the same place/xp but with some different items (since the Targos mod added items)....though they got the original modded xp up to that point.
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Post by lokiju »

BTW, let me know if undead targos is fun. I've always wished I could just push a button and get enough xp/journal entries/items/etc then go on and fight the orcs.[/QUOTE]

You can push a button, it's called DaleKeeper 2. ;)
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Post by TybudX »

lokiju, that isn't a similar experience, it's the exact same thing that happened to me. I can't get that warehouse to unpause without crashing, but only when Targos is installed. Unistall Tragos = working game.

The thing that gets me is, I just went through the game a few weeks ago with the Undead Targos mod installed (as well as Ease Of Use, Bonus Merchant, and the patch), and everything worked 100%. I've tried everything I can think of, from unistalling everything and reinstalling it all in different oerders to rolling back my video card drivers. Nothing seems to work. Oh, and yeah, I've tried all the graphical options within the game, that didn't help, either ; ;.

This little problem is seriously getting under my skin!
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Post by lokiju »

[QUOTE=TybudX]lokiju, that isn't a similar experience, it's the exact same thing that happened to me. I can't get that warehouse to unpause without crashing, but only when Targos is installed. Unistall Tragos = working game.

The thing that gets me is, I just went through the game a few weeks ago with the Undead Targos mod installed (as well as Ease Of Use, Bonus Merchant, and the patch), and everything worked 100%. I've tried everything I can think of, from unistalling everything and reinstalling it all in different oerders to rolling back my video card drivers. Nothing seems to work. Oh, and yeah, I've tried all the graphical options within the game, that didn't help, either ; ;.

This little problem is seriously getting under my skin![/QUOTE]

The only thing I can think of is that I had done some changes via DaleKeeper 2 before the warehouse. Maybe the 2 don't play well together?

And last time I checked similar = same thing. No need for semantic corrections. ;)
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Post by TybudX »

I did use Dalekeeper on my last run through, *after* I had finished killing all the... um... er... yeah, ah... after I was done killing all the, uh, dead stuff. In Targos :p . Maybe I'll try this uninstall thing one more time, and copy my character files somewhere before I do it. You may be on to something.

I'll let you know how it goes, thanks for the idea ^^.
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