is there any way to mod my X-Box saves without having a modded console? i have an action replay so i can copy my saves to my PC.
do i need some sort of special program to edit saves?
She's got a smile that, it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories, where everything is as fresh as the bright blue sky.
download it to your pc and read the read me to bee on the safe side make another copy of the game you want to edit and if it doesnt except as a ssaved game it will say somthing like plz insert kotor disc
back after a long break from forums/game still cant find a beeping avater for me
is it just me or does nothing want to work? all i want is to put some items from a PC mod onto my xbox save...
I have the mod in a .zip file
I have the KOTOR Tool
why wont it let me do it?
She's got a smile that, it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories, where everything is as fresh as the bright blue sky.
Ah this may be as I feared the save game editor probably onlty works at modding pc games sorry about wasting your time but i think the only way to mod xbox is to have the modded xbox or wotever you said at the begining
back after a long break from forums/game still cant find a beeping avater for me