Extremely anoying bug in the end of the game!!!
Extremely anoying bug in the end of the game!!!
I have killed Shaduroth in the Demon Realm, in the end of the game, and i felt very happy, knowing that i was close to the end. But after i had spoken to Galdryn and he had told me that i should get back to Fargrove, or somewhere, the game shut down... I feel very sad about this bad end but lucky is that i've save before i spoke to galdryn. so i can load. but is there any way to get by this "bug"?????

There's not anything interesting beyond that anyway so you haven't lost out on much. One bug I did find is that if you approach Volgar as he begins to talk to Shaduroth and walk away such that the conversation is cut off, you are stuck and cannot proceed. Luckily, I've learned to keep multiple saves from previous experiences so I was able to recover.