I have Better Bodies mod loaded, wouldn't be without it.
I have seen quite a few clothing mods fot BB's, and all are very nice work !! What I don't like is that there are so many mods, way to many esps. What about a new marketplace, maybe in Vivec, that has all BB vendors. Only one or down to a few esp's, everyone that has done a BB mod can be represented to show off their wares. Like I said ,I like BB mods , but it's kinda hard to handle that many esp's, and to remember where all the vendors are. Is there any one out there willing to help? I don't know enough about TESCS, but I do know how to hunt the BB mods down and get permission ( But really, would you want to turn down an opportunity to be represented?).
Better Bodies mods
I don't use any clothmodds for BB, but if one of your problem is having to switch on to many plugins, here's a solution.
Open up TESCS, then click File, then click data files and doubleclick all plugins you wish to use.
Then click OK, now you'll be asked "You have not set a file as the active file. Do you wish to continue?", click yes.
It'll start loading, when it's done click file again, then click Combine loaded plugins and again click yes, now you must give a name to the new plugin and click save.
Next time you start to play you'll only have to activate this new plugin rather than all the others.
I could try and explain how to get one merchant to sell all those cloths, but due too a current lack in downloading capacity I can't make one for you, srry 'bout that.
Good luck with your request
Open up TESCS, then click File, then click data files and doubleclick all plugins you wish to use.
Then click OK, now you'll be asked "You have not set a file as the active file. Do you wish to continue?", click yes.
It'll start loading, when it's done click file again, then click Combine loaded plugins and again click yes, now you must give a name to the new plugin and click save.
Next time you start to play you'll only have to activate this new plugin rather than all the others.
I could try and explain how to get one merchant to sell all those cloths, but due too a current lack in downloading capacity I can't make one for you, srry 'bout that.
Good luck with your request
Do you need a silencer if you're gonna shoot a mime?