[QUOTE=NiteWulf]Yeah.. a diary! That's a good idea. It sounds like an interesting adventure building a city. I'm curious what kind of city, what purpose, etc.[/QUOTE]
It is going to be regarded as a 'closed city', effectively it won't have a name, it won't show up on any future maps nor will it be open to the public (ie. tourists). Think of it like a giant roadhouse, catering for over 500+ workers, well thats the plan. The workers will work at the mines nearby, the place is just so remote and impossible to get to by road that the company had to build up its own living quarters.
I actually don't do that much, I sit in on meetings with architectures and other planners. Place down cables (very time consuming), test them and generally replace them because most times they seem to break or become exposed and chewed up by the local animals, cut by workers, driven over by big machines or who knows what else...
[QUOTE=Chanak]Hmmm. Perhaps you could do me a favor, Tam. I haven't had the opportunity to discover if reptile meat actually "tastes like chicken" as some people claim.[/QUOTE]
Hey Chan, hows things. Supposedly everything tastes like chicken these days.

They tell me up here that a snake actually tastes like chicken, but it looks like fish. I'm not going to try it though

They gave me a whole run through of how to kill, gut and cook myself a snake. Charming people.
In regards to food,the shepherd pie I had for dinner tonight was terrible. It was more like runny gravy with vegetable pieces bobbing about everywhere but thats my fault for picking it.

Thats not to say all meals are bad, but sometimes the odd terrible one really does make one want to go out and catch their own food instead.
[QUOTE=dragon wench]hey, nice to hear from you! How are things generally?[/QUOTE]
Hmmm, good I would say. I'm engaged, before anyone goes on the whole "at your age!" routine

I know, heard it all already. It felt right so nothing to worry about there. Uni is on hiatus, may not finish my degree considering how well this job is going I might sign up for another flight back north later on. Australia has a huge labour shortage, so I'm riding this economic boom for now. I also have a house, hence me working here so I don't have to worry about money problems or juggling multiple jobs.
[QUOTE=Magrus]Just don't get bit by the thing, even if it isn't poisonous, snake bites HURT.[/QUOTE]
Yeah we get lots of poisonous critters here in Oz, only recently a guy had to fly out after getting bitten multiple times by a very angry spider. He flew to some town got a dose of anti-venom and never came back. You have got to treat everything here with respect, as for the 'thing".
It was a goanna, large lizard related to the monitors found in the Asian countries. It hissed at me, I yelled at it, stomped on the floor thinking that would scare it away and then threw my bottle at it. I ended up leaving via an open window. I'm back in the same building now, its gone but the building needs a clean, it doesn't smell right...

The lesson to be learnt, remember to ALWAYS close all doors.
[QUOTE=giles337]Got any good photos?[/QUOTE]
There are a few geologists or are they geophysicists, they use some really hi-tech camera's. I think they are the only ones that have actual camera's, its not really the sort of environment to bring your expensive gear into. I just don't really know the guys, they never stay in the area long enough for you to be able to build any solid friendships with. I'll try to get some anyway