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Several Questions

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Several Questions

Post by BlueOval »

Ok, I've been researching the forums for answers to my questions; but I just keep ending up with more questions! I also read a lot of the walkthrough - not all parts and not the end sequence - just enough to try to answer some of my questions.

Anyway, I'm on my 3rd character in a week because I get to like lvl 10 or 11 and going good and then find out I screwed something up and the character will end up screwed at higher levels. The good thing out of this is that I have the 1st part of Fargrove, all of Arindale, killing moonbeasts for exp, and a pretty good idea of where the entrance to the drakes' nesting grounds are [edit]down pat.[/edit]

Each of my characters have started out as a male Wylvan (sp?) rogue. Ultimately, I want him to become a Ninja Lord. This time around I've chosen the Adept/Rogue-->Paladin/Budoka-->Ninja Lord path. It's a pain to get his STR and VIT up, but DEX and AGI are a breeze - especially AGI.

This leads to my first question.. Initially I wanted a ...Budoka/Samurai... but have since found that this is impossible. Does a Budoka have a chance to learn dual-wield? Is this a Samurai class-specific skill or if Budoka can't get it, can Ninja Lords?

I've seen several posts indicating that damage from weapons are negligible and damage from hands and feet even less so; that the only skills worth improving are magic skills. Is this true? I read a little about dual-wield and am still a little confused. The manual indicates a dagger as the secondary weapon, however the posts I've read seem to indicate this is not the case. Can you dual-wield a katana (medium weap) and a wakizashi (light weap)? Or better, two katanas?

While the walkthrough appears very complete, from the little I've read I'm a bit confused. Based on the 1st 2 characters I made, I know I can swim over to the moonbeasts at lvl 8 or so and make a couple of lvls off them without 1st going thru the Elder Trials which would close off Fargrove to me. And as long as I don't pick up a moonstone, I should be able to get back ok. Right?

But how do I get to Skulldoon from Fargrove? Do I have to get there via moongate? Is there a pass through the mountains that will take me there? I really want to get there for the Guild of Mystery initiation quest; but after perusing the forums I find that there's this wonderful place there called the Arena! :) Now I REALLY want to go there and battle the minotaurs a few times except I'm reading that Ninja Lords with jump kicks at lvl 10 or better are doing the battling! :(

I'm the kind of person who enjoys levelling often and early before ranging out a bit to challenge higher level critters. I also enjoy mapping new areas (like climbing the mountains), but first need to be of (what I consider to be) sufficient level to survive the critters I find there. Is Skulldoon off limits until I finish the Elder Trials first? Is the game really so linear? If so, I'll be more than a bit disappointed. Minor bugs I can live with, but I like a more open-ended game. Playing DL reminds me a lot of Morrowind albeit a cruder version - almost like Pirates! (not Sid Meier's version).
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Post by lparnell »

You can go to Skuldoon if Fargrove is still open to you. Go out the South Gate of Fargrove and you can get to Skuldoon. Even if Fargrove is closed to you, the mountains offer a way as well.

I was like you. I went Skuldoon and did some of my class quests before going to the Elder trials in Arindale. The South Gate to Skuldoon will not be accessible by you until you finish the Arindale quests and re-open Fargrove, but you can get by this wall by back flipping over it.
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Post by BlueOval »

Thank you lparnell, especially the part about the backflip. I would've been stumped! lol Do you know anything about dual-wield or magic dmg vs weap dmg? I want to get by on the absolute minimum req's for magic that my char will need for whatever chosen class (pally/ninja lord) without ever casting a spell. Is this possible or will I absolutely need magic to defeat some enemies?

[edit to add]Oh and also, can anyone tell me what the minimum lvl is to fight in the arena? Should I go fight some moonbeasts before fighting minotaurs? Will I need magic weapons? Like the cold weapons I've seen people talk about.. where do you get them? Buy them or find them?[/edit]
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Post by Vequ »

The cold weapons I think you mean are suppose to freeze the monster on contact correct? Well, I'm not sure about melee, but I know that Ranged cold weapons, atleast the Winter Shuriken, freezes mobs on contact. This weapon became essential for me to fight Fire Drakes (Which, I might add, I have killed atleast 10 with a screwed to hell first character ;)

I obtained this shuriken from the Shadow Ruins I think. I dont remember. But the chest contents are random. Your best bet is for level 7 and 8 Treasure Chests. I posted a little tactic I use for those high level locks without pouring too many points into Disarm to be able to open the chests easily. There is also a site that gives a pretty decent amount of information regarding the classes:
Look around there. Might take you a few to find exactly what you want, but I am sure the class/skill info you want is there.
You stare upon the perch,
The sight forces your somach's lurch.
The sight you see,
Is Death glaring back at thee.
You gave it a hum,
You let it run,
Now all you see,
Is the mirror that bleeds.
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Post by BlueOval »

Thanks for the info Vegu. You say you posted tactics for opening high level chests.. could you give me a link? I'm well aware of the walkthrough site as that is how I found these forums. ;) I haven't read everything on the site, just enough to get me started.

I just found out that you must be a samurai (as opposed to budoka) in order to dual-wield. That sucks!! I'm on my thrid character in a week, but the heck with it now, I'm just gonna go ahead with this guy. Since the replayability is so poor (according to other posts I've read), I'll try the samurai next time around. Gawd, I want that Winter Shuriken! lol
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Post by Vequ »

There is a combo that I have found successfull as far as chests go. Get Disarm up to about 5, or 6. Near that rank. Next, I supply myself with a few of the Time Slowing crystals. They work WONDERS for opening chests with 40, 15, and 1% probability of opening. Only time I screw up is when I click one of the buttons too soon, or miss click. Chest disarming are the only times I use the time slowing crystals, but the investment is well worth it. I've gotten quite a few high end items from level 7 and 8 chests, that I wouldn't have been able to open otherwise. Very handy in Draedoth Temple, Khad's Domain when you need to collect those 4 Demon Crystals from level 7 chests.
Just figured this might be more to the point than a link. I love copy/paste.
You stare upon the perch,
The sight forces your somach's lurch.
The sight you see,
Is Death glaring back at thee.
You gave it a hum,
You let it run,
Now all you see,
Is the mirror that bleeds.
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Post by BlueOval »

Sweet tip, thanks. Just out of curiousity, what level was your character by the time you found the winter shuriken?
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Post by Vequ »

Hell if I remember. But, around level 10 I believe. 12-14. 15 at most.
You stare upon the perch,
The sight forces your somach's lurch.
The sight you see,
Is Death glaring back at thee.
You gave it a hum,
You let it run,
Now all you see,
Is the mirror that bleeds.
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