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Post by juiblex_ii »

There is a quest (sort of) that is given to you when you visit the orc wizard in Balmora to get the info on the Nerevarine Prophecies. She is very closed mouthed about being a Necromancer. She is one and I know that there is a chest in the Mages guild that contains a book that will prove it. I just don't know where that book is. Is it the one upstairs by the enchanter's desk? I hope not because that one has a level 90 lock on it
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Post by GA_Havoc »


The chest is the one she's standing close too.
Opening it without violating the law will be tricky, but since I'm a member of the thiefsguild I don't worry about that, just open chest take the book and recall into the thievesguild to remove the bounty.
Do you need a silencer if you're gonna shoot a mime?
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

Umm, which book are we talking about? Corpse Preparation?
Get up, stand up. Come on, throw your hands up.
If you've got the feeling, Jump across the ceiling.
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