I respectfully disagree. I lose one BAB which is not good. I lose 2 hp. I gain evasion which will be boosted by divine grace . Also the basic saves of a monk are awsome and the most benefit is reaped at level 1 :+2,+2,+2 to all saves!!!Adding monk to dwarf probably not such a good idea - no real advantages
I agree that a wizrogue can cover the thieving bases. BUT I wanna whack things WAAAHHHH!! MASSIVE HALBERD OF HATE hoo hoo ha ha. Plus I've played a wizard and find that they are not as good as the sorceror...Drow (male) has wizard as a favoured class. A build such as Rogue (2) Wizard (X) will be far more useful than a pure rogue, and with 20 will be more than able to cover your theiving needs
But then lord mask would get angry with me!? He'd send the shadow things into my dreams again...Half-Orcs make decent tank-clerics (of Tempus or Helm) which are for more useful than monks (pure class monks are greatly overrated). With a half-orc cleric your human could change into a Ranger/Monk/Druid (one of my favourite ever builds)
btw - my party is all monks! they met at a convention...(and invited the sorceroress and rogue too)