Arghhhhh! Cant find thunder to defeat him at hangman hill - am I doing something wrong or is there a bug in my game? Somebody help me out cos its drving me crazy....
Still no joy - I meet Thunder at Bowerstone Jail, get challenged and then run after him to headsman's hill - and he ain't there. Starting to think there's a bug - has anybody else experienced this? I'm near the end of the game 'proper', so maybe I should have done this earlier....Any ideas?
No, I havent experienced this, I think it is a bug because when you run to Headsman Hill as soon as you step through that arch it will load a cut scene of you talking to Thunder. If it doesnt do that then it must be a bug, sorry mate.
Ya Im sry 2 say this but ur game is #@$*ed up. sck 2 because when u fight him u get to find a silver key and one of those chest. plus when u marry the murdes lady grey u get 15k.
One faithful day, squrills will rule the world. I as their god of hell.
well... you could always go back to lady grey and talk to her and then go back to the cliff (never hurts to try). and if it dosn't work but you want the mana aug. in the chest along with the silver key, you could use the digging glitch to go down there.