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A quest for... retextured clutter

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A quest for... retextured clutter

Post by moltovir »

A quest for retextured clutter

I have dozens of texture improvers running that make every object and landscape in the game look fantastic, but the clutter (plates, bowls, cans, glass and clay pots) still use the old Bethesda textures. I'm sure I've seen a mod that improves these textures and makes the glass pots translucent, but I have no idea where it's located. 30 minutes searching on the MW Summit yielded nothing, so I suspect it's on another site (unless I'm going blind like DW ;) ) I'd be very grateful if someone could point me to the site of this mod (or a similar mod, doesn't matter), or could send it to me by email. Even the slightest clue to the name of such a mod is welcome :)
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Post by fable »

The only one I've seen affects potions. Try Schwaa's Potion Upgrade. There's great variety and some very nice translucent effects, but some folks have had problems with a few of the textures. I know it's not precisely what you're looking for, but it is in the same general vein: clutter objects that can be rendered more attractive through design.
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Post by moltovir »

Thanks for the help, but I'm already using that one. I'm looking for a mod that changes the textures of normal, useless pots and bowls.
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

I don't know if this helps at all, but I'm using a couple of mods that replace the textures of lanterns and flasks (really gorgeous work), they are:

*Flask Replacer by Qarl
*Lantern Replacer by Leeloo

Both are at Summit if you are interested. I can also email them to you. ;)

Though, I have not yet seen any mods to replace bowls, plates, pitchers etc.
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Post by moltovir »

Thanks, I'll check them out :)
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Post by T'lainya »

The lantern replacer DW mentioned is nice
I've not seen a texture replacer for the dishes, though Phoebe has some mods that allow you to add retextured bowls/plates etc.
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Post by dragon wench »

I just added the two mods I mentioned to the mod sticky, and included some images.

As T'L says, the lantern replacers are quite lovely, beautiful stained glass textures :cool:
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Post by dragon wench »

Another mod you might like is Sil's Pottery. It added a little shop selling some very nice stuff just outside of Molag Mar.
Unfortunately it was at TES... :(
I used to have it but lost it when I experienced some computer trouble, maybe somebody else has a copy though.
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