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Sneaking? Not for me! (And something weird on levelling)

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Sneaking? Not for me! (And something weird on levelling)

Post by Incertainty »

Well, up to this point in the game, I haven't yet had need of the sneaking skill. But I figure, a skill is a skill, so I might as well raise it. Nope, nada, nothing. Not while sneaking and standing still, not while sneaking and moving, not while sneaking behind people, not while sneaking in plain view... *sigh* What am I doing wrong?

Also, on the levelling part; I had just gained lvl 7, I figure I go train up on my alchemy a bit, and I pay for 5 pts. of alchemy training. But after the first point: 'You should rest and meditate on what you've learned' Wtf?! And this was the first skill point gained after gaining my lvl...
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Post by dragon wench »

Try searching the forums for further hints on sneaking. But basically, if you did not select it as a major skill it is *very* difficult to raise without paying for a little training, or using some form of invisibility while practicing sneak.

I suggest you get yourself a ring or amulet (preferably constant effect) that is enchanted with invisibility. Sneak in a heavily populated area while using it, and also just roaming around the wilderness. Since you can't be seen because of the invisibility factor, your Sneak will go up *much* faster.

You can try doing the same with a Chameleon spell/item/potion as well... For example... there is something called the Amulet of Shadows.... Do a search on it for more details.. :D
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Post by Incertainty »

Thanks for the help. But, I can understand that it is very difficult to raise, but the thing is that even the 'progress toward skill improvement' bar does not rise one bit, not even 1/100...

Got any clue on the levels?
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=Incertainty]Thanks for the help. But, I can understand that it is very difficult to raise, but the thing is that even the 'progress toward skill improvement' bar does not rise one bit, not even 1/100...

Got any clue on the levels?[/QUOTE]

Even though the sneak icon might be present, you are not in fact raising your skill unless NPCs or animals are near you... If nothing or nobody is around, then your Sneak won't improve.

I'm not sure about the levels to be honest. It almost sounds to me as though you let a bunch of levels accumulate before finally resting, so there were still a number left over.
I do that all the time deliberately, because I like to get the times 4 or times 5 multipliers with three attributes.
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Post by Incertainty »

Ah, yes, that could be it. I did spend an insanely long time raising my Acrobatics to get a *5 Strength modifier
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Post by Incertainty »

But on the sneaking... I think I figured out the cause, though I still don't know the 'cause of the cause' :rolleyes: When sneaking, the sneak icon simply doe not appear! :confused: It only appears sometimes, very infrequently, and always when there's no-one around...
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Post by Minerva »

Simple answer is your sneaking icon only appears sometime, because you are not good at sneaking.

It takes while to raise your sneaking skill. You just need to find somewhere with only one NPC (so don't try in a corner of a town square!).
Stand away from NPC, hopefully on his/her back, look away from the NPC and move around a bit to find a spot where you get sneaking icon.
Sneaking icon for a second would do at the low level. Basically, you need to find a blind spot of the NPC. Don't pick an NPC who walks about, say, someone like guards. Most NPC would look around, but That's okay.

Stay there in your sneaking mode. Don't move around even if you don't have the icon, and don't look at the NPC.

Leave in the sneaking mode for next few hours. Your sneaking icon would appear only a few second every now and then at the begining, but be patient.
Only move your character if you don't get sneaking icon at all.

It took me a good few hours during this weekend (on and off, though) to her sneaking level 5 to 50. It was really annoying at first 20 levels or so. But eventually, it is easier.

If you haven't got the patience, spent some money to raise his/her skill up to 30 or so, then try again. That should give you easier start.
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Post by ch85us2001 »

Levels raise when you raise any minor or major skill 10 points collectively :D if you get what im saying

2 p. longblade
1 p conjuration
4 p acrobatics
1 p security
2 p medium armor
level up
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

i've actually done as minerva said, but what makes it rather less patience demanding is, put a weight on your sneak button so it stays down.. eat, watch TV, go out.. after 5-6hrs it should've gotten up atleast some.. :D

but the easier way is to pay to get it up.

btw to get high multipliers it's good to raise those misc skills.. they raise the multipliers aswell.. so IE you want 5x to strength... you have athletics as a major skill and you're raising that atm.. if the trainer has IE axe as another skill to teach.. learn 10lvls of that, it doesn't affect your level gaining at all. then learn the needed 10lvls of athletics and you have 5x multiplyer in agility(?been a long time since played can't remember what stat athletics was) and 5x multiplyer in str as well, so you "save levels" and raise stats much faster.
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