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Major problem

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Major problem

Post by Larry138 »

There will be minor spoilers in the paragraph below, so read with caution.

I'm in the southern plains of Dantooine, where the Mandalorian and Duros Warriors are that Jon complains about. I took care of them and salvaged everything from their remains. I go to run to the other side of the plains, and the game turns into a slideshow. The FPS must have been down to 10 or so. I have this game on the PC and my computer is definitely able to handle this game. I can run HL2, Doom 3, etc. with no stuttering or problems. My game is patched at version 1.3 so that's not it, either. When attempting to cross the plains it goes into slideshow mode, and then my character zaps to the far end of the map in whatever direction I was running in. Then, after all that, the "W" and "S" keys no longer work even though they're still mapped.

Anyone know what the hell is happening and how I can fix this?
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

This sounds a lot like something I have in KotOR II, when I save but the player continues to run, and it runs right to the nearest object.

To me, the version doesnt really matter, uless its past 1.05 version. There were a lot of errors, but most people complain about it happening while fighting the Duros warriors with the leader, when the game suddenly freezes.

Id go to the video options in the pause menu, and play around with them. After writing down the current settings of course. It culd be that anopther resolution may be the problem.

Im not a tech, so Im not sure, but a lot of people tend tp become experts because olur games screw up so often. Maybe some of the oldtimers know how to get around this.

Sorry if this doesnt help. :(
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Post by fable »

Larry, have you upgraded your drivers?

That said, a couple of people to whom this occurred actually went back to their next-to-last drivers, and found the problem went away.
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Post by Larry138 »

I finally got passed Dantooine. I played around with my Graphics options in-game and scaled everything down one notch. I got the problem here and there but the game would eventually pull itself out of it. I scaled everything back up and am now on Tatooine and it seems to be doing alright. I'm not sure if I'll run into the problem again or not.

My video card drivers (if those are the ones you're referring to) are all up-to-date. I'll try rolling them back to see if that has an effect.

Thanks for the suggestions.
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Post by DaveO »

This is taken verbatim from LucasArts' support page. This is a common issue for ATI cards, especially on Dantooine. I did try the newer ATI drivers, but for me the fix below was far better for video performance.

If you are experiencing performance issues in Knights of the Old Republic on a system with an ATI card, check the following: - Make sure you have the latest drivers for your Video card installed from the manufacturer. - Close down all background applications that may be running in windows prior to starting the game to free up system resources - You may need to edit one of the game's settings files to adjust your graphics options. Open the folder for the game on your harddrive. The default location is C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR: - Open My Computer. - Open the Local disk (C). - Open the Program Files folder. - Open the LucasArts folder. - Open the SWKotOR folder. Double-click the swkotor.ini file here (and choose Notepad.exe if it asks what you want to open the file using) and under [Graphics Options] please add the following line (it is case sensitive so capatilization and spaces are important): Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 Click File on the menu bar and choose to save the changes, close the window, and then try running the game once more to see if the game now plays properly.
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Post by Steven00009 »

this ALWAYS happens to me and many others... the best thing to do is just use the speed power thing, and get through the area as fast as possible, and dont forget to turn down your graphics all the way!

PS if 1 character gets stuck, use another
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