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Ordinators... enemies of the people! ( the freedom manifesto)

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Ordinators... enemies of the people! ( the freedom manifesto)

Post by watsaguy2do »

Warning to all ye law abiding Nerevarines- foul Ordinators are on the prowl...

Rumours of these oppressive manipulators of the state have been circulating for quite some time, no longer rumours, these dark tales of religious genocide are a testemant to the blight of the Ordinators on our fair land.

One must ask oneself, what is the true cause of the decadence and decay in our once pure vvardenfel? Is it the marauding Dagoth Ur? or the insidious suppression of free speach and actions from the so called upholders of justice, our unseen enemy- the Ordinators?

Religous intolerance and oppression! just one small facet of the problems posed to civilised society by the brotherhood of Ordinators, the massacre of non supplicating preists, and persecution of conflicting denominations... is this the glorious 'new world' to which we aspire?

Rise Up i say!

Freedom! Belief! Tolerance!

Hear the plight of Vvardenfel all ye mighty adventurers, Unite and throw the yoke of oppression off the back of the nations!

What say you?! honoured freedom fighters
Nothing to see here people... Just read the post and begone with you!
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

I don't think you'll find much disagreement on that score, but in the context of this particular forum what do you propose to do exactly? ;)
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Post by GA_Havoc »

Hehe, as Dragonwench said.
I've seen many a post in which people explain how or why they killed/would kill those thugs.
Good luck on your most justified movement (what ever be the purpose). ;)
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Post by Raven_Song »

Would this not pose a problem in light of Imperial law. :confused:

Imperial Guard:
Don't kill, except in self-defense.
Theft and foul murder are felonies.
Besides as a fully fledged card-carrying pacifist Nerevarine-in-Training, I'm afraid I'll have to pass! :D
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Post by fable »

According to the [url=] forum rules[url] by the site owner,

#5 - Please do not spam. We are more lenient on spam in the Speak Your Mind forum, but excessive amounts will not be tolerated.

So if you want to spam, go to SYM. Thread closed.
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