A few general observations on the gams.
I installed the game, the 1.3 patch, and started playing this week.
1. The "m" for mapping does nothing.
2. Graphics and sounds are very well done.
3. A few items that were always wanted in RPG's and we finally got in other games are not here. Journaling of conversations, better quest logs. The ability to map more action/spells to keys (why only 8?), etc.
4. The manual is even more scarce of info than normal. Thank god for the walkthrough and this forum.
5. While the see person A, got get widget B, and take it to Person C, is still heavily done, it deos not seem as bad as other games.
6. Not sure I understand all this leveling stuff and some other points of the game (where's the book?) at least some new ideas tried here.