i recently joined house Redoran, got the mudcrab quest ant went of in search of the guar herds... got completely lost, went bush bashing all over the aldruhn area... got bored, paused the game and went down for tea.
coupla hours later i returned *found* the herds talked to the nice lady, and she THANKED ME FOR KILLING THE CRABS and gave me some stuff.. WTH?? i didnt even do the quest.. so i report back to base, and the quest giver (4got her name) askes me how im doing with delivering some potion to some guy... (jus like id already got the quest, but i hadnt)
dutifully i deliver the potion, which had miraculasly appeared in my inventory(no she didnt give it to me)
return to aldruhn and she thanks me for killing the hostile mudcrabs...
so its not a problem im just
anybody got any ideas as to wht happened?